Gert Postel and his questionable behavior

by anonym Sunday, Sep. 22, 2019 at 9:48 PM

Stopp and fight sexism

Gert Postel is a convicted, cheater, sexist and stalker. In addition to the usual latte of fraud, overruns are also on his account. Postel has pursued and harassed women until their "nervous breakdown" from a young age. This continues today. His scam is that he pretends only the charismatic gentleman, but in rejection "mischievous" goes to the cause. This ranges from telephone terrorism, mass letters, spam DM via social media to the complete spying on of its victims. He also does not shy away from libel and malicious slogans that are too often "sexist". It is particularly problematic that Postel manages it because of its pre-played "charismatic nature" To create feelings of guilt and dependency on the victim ("emotional blackmail"). Because of this, many of his victims are silent, whether out of fear, remorse or shame. A number of these abuses have already been made by Postel. The prosecutor, which he with lies, spying and telephone terror to "nervous breakdown" had driven; young women molested with telephone terror, false promises and mass mailings; Patients docile under threat and extortion during his time as a "false doctor"; women under his threatening gestures and wrong game had to follow his will and today keep silent about it out of fear, remorse or shame. This is only a small excerpt. The depth and the whole bandwidth is a whole lot bigger. Postel has not learned from his behavior. Today he is doing that on social media. The effects of this are on his Twitter account //*

easy to understand. He is not in the saddle to dig out ancient tweets and treat them with sly, sexist and in hurting others to provide comments. Also spam DMs and tons of tweets go into his account. Often this is done according to the same manipulative pattern, already mentioned above ("emotional blackmail", lies, gentleman play etc.). It can even go right into real life. But this is out of consideration the person concerned not discussed. Unfortunately, the limit of the excesses can not be controlled. Until today he did not have to bear any responsibility. Postel even benefits from this, in contrast to his "victimized victims".

It's time to finish that. We have been active from our side therefore. We have also opted for an outing. The information can be found on relevant websites.

Click here for more information (link list):

An example with explanation:

Update: Currently he has deleted all his accounts, but we do not know how long that will stay.

*edited version 22th September 2019

Original: Gert Postel and his questionable behavior