by Aleth Wednesday, Sep. 18, 2019 at 10:22 PM

they are stoking war on Iran this time around : let us stop them !!!

The bilderbergs now want war on Iran - and they are trying to gather western consensus for it by the usual means : lies.

They staged alleged Iranian attacks first on oil tankers, now on saudi oil facilities - all of which utterly unverifiable, just factoids, which , even if true, constitute per se no evidence of Iranian responsibility. And now some saudi puppet showing us on tv purported Iranian missile debris which is nothing but a bunch of scrap metal - if that´s evidence of Iranian involvement to you, take your meds.

They raise oil prices so the average western motorized fool will get angry at Iran all the more.

Iranian attacks on oil tankers were alleged on the basis of blurry fake videos.

And now they are showing us no images whatsoever, no close-up pics or videos of these alleged attacks on saudi oil facilities.

Way back in 2001-2003, they kicked up hysteria about Saddam´ s alleged longa manus behind alleged anthrax attacks and his alleged possessing chemical weapons which turned out to be a huge lie.

They waged war on Afghanistan, they have been for 18 years, based on the 911 attacks which they themselves were responsible for.

These war criminals, these massmurderes - Yesterday the clintons bushes etc., today trump pompeo end cohorts - they must be stopped NOW - alongside the war pigs and finance pigs and zionazi pigs behind them.