Sinking Free Speech, New Wars Recognized

by Kurt Brown Saintrambone Mobile Audit Club Wednesday, Jul. 31, 2019 at 6:16 AM

After an 18 year coma in California after a federal series of billion dollar robberies i witnessed as a USA federal bank examiner at FDIC Many were killed raped maimed robbed. Loomis Sacramento Robbery 1999 of Sock Strategy Warfare you cant remember. LA fed injected me in 2001 before I could get an attorney. I was in fear in a coma.

The USA government has been robbed by several factions. First billions given to foreign corporations as incentive or extortion depending on who you ask. The USA corporations lose money due to sales of the competitors products also. So they lose double.

On the other hand money is stolen by laws like FDICIA 1991 or 1992 Early Resolution Clause which translates to uninventoried assets leaving banks to be horded and stolen.

In addition you can be made to do and say things with no memory. The regime in power is weakened if they admit they were robbed as in the transfer of assets uninventoried or unauthorized.

My story goes back to Los Angeles in 1983 in the Pacific Fleet USA Navy. MY ship was hit with stun weapons like an electrical charge then unconscious we were injected. Impostors could not be recognized as fakes. Missiles went awry. Then in 1994 My brother Kurt Cobain of Nirvanas death and the robbery of a will. Stunned injected. Then in 1999 the FDIC robberies of stun inject.

I electrically insulated myself on one occasion November 12 1999 at the FDIC by sitting with a wood cane between my legs and feet up to protect testicles in expected incoming bomb and and my hands were on the cane. I could have just raised hands and feet like the assassin at the table.

I want to do a movie on it. Billion dollar robberies and they allowed us to be injured. They are criminally insane in that faction. The attacks on Iraq would not have happened if 9 11 2001 attacks would have been seen as sock strategy warfare. You cant trust your eyes Now all free media outlets are being closed. Do not conform to the Mao Tse Tung obedience method. I was told to burn a building by a fake boss an impostor while throat was cut and I was drugged and likely on a hot wire. They later did lobotomy i believe. I escaped. I do not conform. I want payment in one form or another. 500 thousand to start.

Messenger me Kurt at Mobile Audit Club on facebook for those movie deals or concerts. I also moon light on audits and more

Original: Sinking Free Speech, New Wars Recognized