by Schein Saturday, Mar. 16, 2019 at 11:41 AM

gospel jesus never was


Now this trick of doubling a real person into his lookalike-contrary, and then stage a face-to-face confrontation or comparison between them, is an establishment disinfo device lifted bodily from classical roman theater : in plautus´ comedy amphitruo or amphitryon in english, the king´s servant sosia meets his own doubled self, who is in reality the god mercurius who has transmogrified himself into sosia. Mercury's job is to buy his father jupiter, who wants to seduce the king´s wife while the king is away, some time by deceiving those who would interfere. He changes his appearance to look like the slave sosia, and when the real sosia arrives, he beats him up and sends him away from the house. Plautus wrote amphitruo between 250 and 206 bce - some 350 years before the gospel of matthew was concocted.

This constant pattern of falsely multiplying real people in order to sow confusion and hide and erase single revolutionary heroes, really is inspired by classical theater, and never comes to the fore in the gospel lie more clearly and blatantly than through this delirious fictional scene of pilate asking the jewish crowds to choose between jesus barabbas - a historical person - and jesus christ - gospel jesus, who never existed at all. Jesus bar saba/barabbas is witnessed to by extrabiblical and nonchristian historian joseph flavius writing in the late I century ce, who had met him personally in 66 or 67.

Whereas the fictional gospel jesus is attested to by nobody at all in pagan or nonchristian sources of the I century - the so-called testimonium flavianum and other passages by roman historians purportedly about christ are either interpolations or undecisive as far as identification goes .

Now again : we have been focusing all along in this thread on one family of antiestablishment, theocommunist jews of the I century ce : the saba family, of saba/raimnamaker/bather/well hanan the hidden, his wife mary magdalene the water-drawer, and their 5 sons john the baptist, james the just, judas isacariot, simeon bar cleophas and jesus bar saba. These 5 were jihadist messianists, the real early christians,the nazoraeans or keepers of the torah, who would all meet a violent end at the hands of the romans or their herodian henchmen.

Gospel zebedaios is really hanan saba, and his sons james and john are jesus´ brothers john the baptist and james the just.

You can take it as a rule of thumb for now, but scientific reasoning will soon confirm it for you, that whenever in the new testament there pops up out of nowhere a barabbas or bar saba or bar sabbas or barnabas, it is an overwrite for a member of our bar saba family.

There never was a mary the mother of james and joseph as distinct from the mother of jesus . There never was a mother of the sons of zebedaios. These 3 are 1 : mary called magdalene, mother of the bar saba bros.

There never was a jesus christ, new testament jesus did not exist. Gospel jesus is a fake, produced by patchwork from several would-be messiahs or zealot leaders of the I century, one of whom was flavius´ jesus bar saba.