by Schein Friday, Mar. 08, 2019 at 9:15 AM

jesus is fiction




MAY 2014 - MARCH 2019


"Matthew" ´s gospel ? The new testament starts with the gospel according to a "matthew", who is supposed to be one of the 12 apostles and the writer or source of inspiration for the first canonical gospel. He allegedly used to be a tax collector before jesus called him to join his apostles.

Now the name matthew, greek MATHTHAIOS or MATTHAIOS , is supposed to mean in hebrew gift of yah, that is gift of god . The original hebrew name is mattithyah or mattithyahu , which would be, and is, much more precisely hellenized into MATTITHIAS or MATTHIAS . In the septuagint, the maccabees´ father is one MATTATHIAS - and it makes us wonder how that first hebrew i could possibly turn into greek A . Anyway, vowels are notoriously flickering in semitic languages, but fact is , that for instance the hebrew name mary reads in new testament greek manuscripts either MARIA or MARIAM . Both variants reflect syro-aramaic Maryam, itself a variant of the hebrew name מִרְיָם or myriam . Therefore we might assume that matthaios and mattathias too be syro-aramaic variant forms of hebrew mattityahu. And since aramaic was the language current in palestine in the I century, it comes as no surprise.

Except that the new testament ( acts ) also features the hebrew form matthias.

Let us leave this in abeyance for now, and return to the meaning : gift of god.


Matthew 9:9 states that "jesus" first saw "matthew" sitting at his tax-collector´s booth in the city of Capernaum. Jesus asks matthew to follow him and matthew complies. Who were these tax collectors precisely ? Wiki has a very good article sub voce publican :

" In antiquity, publicans (greek τελώνης telōnēs (singular); latin publicanus (singular); publicani (plural)) were public contractors, in which role they often supplied the roman legions and military, managed the collection of port duties, and oversaw public building projects. In addition, they served as tax collectors for the Republic (and later the roman empire), bidding on contracts (from the Senate in Rome) for the collection of various types of taxes. Importantly, this role as tax collectors was not emphasized until late into the history of the Republic (c. 1st century BC). The publicans were usually of the class of equites . "

Tax collection in the roman empire functioned on the principle of tax farming : again wiki very

well :

" Farming is a technique of financial management, namely the process of commuting (changing), by its assignment by legal contract to a third party, a future uncertain revenue stream into fixed and certain periodic rents, in consideration for which commutation a discount in value received is suffered. It is most commonly used in the field of public finance, where the state wishes to gain some certainty about its future taxation revenue for the purposes of medium-term budgetting of expenditure. The tax collection process requires considerable expenditure on administration and the yield is uncertain both as to amount and timing, as taxpayers delay or default on their assessed obligations, often the result of unforeseen external forces such as bad weather affecting harvests. Governments (the lessors) have thus frequently over history resorted to the services of an entrepreneurial financier (the farmer) to whom they lease or assign the right to collect and retain the whole of the tax revenue due to the state in return for his payment into the treasury of fixed sums (sometimes called "rents", but with a different meaning from the common modern term). Sometimes (miguel de cervantes is an example) the tax farmer was a government employee, paid a salary, and all monies collected went to the government.

Tax farmers did not usually deal with individuals; the tax was imposed on a community or other polity, and how the community raised the funds to pay the tax was its own business. Farming in this sense has nothing to do with agriculture, other than metaphorically. "

Now - it is implausible in the extreme, that a I-century ce jewish prophet would gain traction in palestine by including among his apostles one from the most hated social group of all after the herodian clan : tax collectors ! The main reason the jewish masses in roman palestine had been revolting throughout the I century was roman taxation. And jesus, of all people, asks a hated tax collector to join his inner circle ! Political suicide...the calling of matthew is fiction, just like gospel "jesus" and "matthew" himself.

What´s relevant here at matthew 9:9 is the overwrite : judas bar saba gets overwritten as matthew, tax collector, because judas had been the treasurer of the nazoraeans , the real early christians. Follow the money here : the money leit-motif is always connected with judas, in the new testament lie : mattit-yahu = gift of god : judas carried the nazoraeans´ money bag or box, where sympathizers could put in their coins. So probably on that money box, judas had written the caption " gift of

god ", hence his sobriquet mattit-yahu , which gets hellenized into matthaios, a syrian-aramaic sounding variant form, probably because the original version of the gospel of matthew was written by someone in syria in the II century. And in order to differentiate this fake matthaios from the fake matthias in the fake election to replace judas in acts.

Let us be clear : "saint matthew", formerly tax collector, one of the alleged 12 apostles of "jesus" and author or source of inspiration for the first canonical gospel, never existed at all.

He is a fictional overwrite for the very real judas bar saba iscariot, militant jewish jihadist, treasurer for the natsorayya or nazoraeans, keepers of the torah, antiroman theocommunist zionistic fighters and mullahs.

From wiki again, sub voce saint matthew :

" Matthew was a 1st-century Galilean (presumably born in galilee, which was not part of judea or the Roman judea province), the son of Alpheus. As a tax collector he would have been literate in Aramaic and Greek. His fellow Jews would have despised him for what was seen as collaborating with the Roman occupation force.

After his call, Matthew invited Jesus home for a feast. On seeing this, the Scribes and the Pharisees criticized Jesus for eating with tax collectors and sinners.This prompted Jesus to answer, "I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." (mark 2:17,Luke 5:32). "

Therefore again : it is utterly impossible that a jewish leader would become popular in early-I-century palestine through partying with tax collectors. And a feast is not exactly a call to repentance. The dead sea scrolls ideology was diametrically opposed to such proroman behaviors :

it addressed the righteous and the righteous alone, and preached everlasting hatred for sinners.

Next to nothing is known about this fictional gospel matthew from extrabiblical christian sources. Next to nothing from extrabiblical nonchristian sources. Simply because he never existed at all.

He is an overwrite for judas bar saba iscariot, brother of john the baptist, james the just, simeon bar cleophas and jesus bar saba, and son of hanan the hidden and mary.