Refugee other Asylum I.D. reraly granted U.of :ouisiana DEc 29 ,2018

by County Cesar Chaves Sunday, Dec. 30, 2018 at 5:32 AM

the application for asylum as well as refugee evidence must rest on 2 foundation. 1st an applicant must be fleeing an active war zone such as south sudan or afghanistan. 2nd they could be victim of official persecution by a government this applies to nation states in many parts of the world.

The applicant must prove their application with newspapers, amnesty international and non governmental groups that know things about neighborhoods and larger divisions such as social justice groups, media, education groups nd even the U.S. census, religious institutions or labor alliances.

the arms from U.S. border China and Russia combined with ethnic, religious, tribal, and resource based wars are a bonfire of suffering for many

families such as the rohynga victims by right wing buddhists on the Burma bangladesh

Original: Refugee other Asylum I.D. reraly granted U.of :ouisiana DEc 29 ,2018