1)stop all crime 2) lies on internet

by GERAL idVer:c104625d59ba6f94af540d0c34349308 Thursday, Jun. 21, 2018 at 9:49 PM
gsosbee@gmail.com USA

This report is in 2bparts: Stop all crime ; lies on the internet.

My reports in 2 parts follow:

Stop all crime

Lies on internet

Part 1: Stop all crime

Do Americans truly seek to end crime here? No, because crime means employment for murderous police, their fbi mentors/assassins, thuggish judges (&fmj), the expanding cjs and insane neighbors.

Now, let's study this plan to stop all crime, map out the theoretical possibilities and thereby achieve a new and healthy direction for the human species.


Part 2

Lies on internet:

Fbi, using my name, apparently hacked into a female's FACEBOOK account, posted her data on Chicago Indymedia.

She presents her lies about me on the *video recorded 6-15-18.

She references the name R... In her absurd statements.

She states that after she 'exposed' me on Facebook, police and helicopters visited her home.

She is either extremely confused, or a fbi plant to discredit me as a Target, or an fbi operative.


"Ex fbi agent GERAL SOSBEE exposed by Targeted individual"

A video from anonymous female


EX FBI Agent Geral Sosbe…

Uploaded by: Karma Friendly

Watch (6:41)


Jun 15, 2018

Ex FBI Agent Geral Sosbee Exposed by his MK Ultra Behavior Change Tactics, Dictation, Domination, Intimidation, Torture Behavior. He himself poses to be a Vi..."

Utube responds as follows:


"Upon further investigation, we found that the content in question has already been removed from the site. It may take some time for video search results and thumbnail images to disappear from the site but typically, this does not take more than a couple of days. Please be assured that the video is no longer viewable. For more information about our removal processes, please check out the following video: http://goo.gl/Dt5ZDw."

Original: 1)stop all crime 2) lies on internet