what does a mexican driver's license look like?

by trollio Sunday, Mar. 18, 2018 at 7:10 PM

Chances are, you are looking for the Matricula Cosular

what does a mexican ...
mexican-drivers-license.jpg, image/jpeg, 483x318

Undocumented immigrants in the early 2000s were offered Matricular Consular, identification issued by the Mexican consulate.

This sample above is probably a fake, made as a kind of joke. I found it online. Hal Netkin was an anti-immigration activist from Van Nuys who, during the early 2000s, participated in anti-Mexican activities.

Despite having a large immigrant and undocumented immigrant population, and having had flows of people from Mexico, basically since before the United States got California via war, Southern California became a node in the network of hateful anti-immigrant areas.

An early prominent group was Save Our State, a group that claimed to be only against "illegal" immigration, but was soon found out to have participants who were with neo-Nazi and violent fascists. The fascist white supremacist racists organized within the anti-illegal-immigration group, hoping to recruit new members to their sick gang.

Original: what does a mexican driver's license look like?