Of The Mythical 3,000 Year Conflict In Palestine

by Steven Argue Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2017 at 4:25 AM

[Painting, early depiction of the historical Saint Nicholas.]

Of The Mythical 3,00...
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Merry Christmas!

Of White Supremacy’s Mythical White Santa Claus, White Supremacist Jesus, and The Supposed 3,000 Year Conflict In Palestine

By Steven Argue

In 2013, FOX News “journalist" Megyn Kelly, now at MSNBC, absurdly claimed on air that both Jesus and Santa were white. This was in racist reaction to a Black Santa, and a woman she had on the air defending him. Megyn Kelly ranted:

"Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable it doesn't mean it has to change. You know, I've given her due. Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable doesn't mean it has to change. Jesus was a white man, too. It's like we have, he's a historical figure that's a verifiable fact, as is Santa, I just want kids to know that. How do you revise it in the middle of the legacy in the story and change Santa from white to black?"

Despite Megyn Kelly's claims, the historical Santa Claus was almost certainly not white. In addition, the life of Jesus is not established as a historical fact, as the Christian Bible written long after Jesus was said to have lived, and related non-contemporary texts that were rejected from the Bible, are the only sources we have on his existence. Still, if there was a historical Jesus, there is near certainty that he would not have been white either.

What Megyn Kelly instead believes in is a mythical white Santa and white supremacist Jesus.

Megyn Kelly's big, white, jolly Santa Claus in the red suit with a white beard was invented as a marketing scheme of Coca-Cola Company in 1930. The historical Saint Nicholas was born in the third century AD in what is now Turkey. People in that part of the world are not what most people traditionally consider to be "white". They are, instead, "brown" in complexion.

Before Saint Nicholas was deemed to be a saint by the church, he traveled as the young man Nicholas on religious pilgrimages from present day Turkey to Palestine and Egypt. Soon after those pilgrimages, he was ordained Bishop Nicholas of Myra. Myra, like the rest of present day Turkey, was at that time under the control of the Roman Empire. Nicholas was doing his Bishop thing at a time in the Roman Empire before it caught on and was considered cool. In fact, it wasn’t even legal yet. As a result, Saint Nicholas did hard time.

In 303 AD, the Emperors Diocletian, Maximian, Galerius, and Constantius issued a series of edicts rescinding the legal rights of Christians. These edicts demanded that Christians comply with traditional Roman religious practices. Later edicts targeted the clergy and ordered all inhabitants to sacrifice to the Roman gods (a policy known as universal sacrifice). As the persecution of Christians escalated under the Roman Empire, Bishop Nicholas of Myra fell victim to this persecution through imprisonment.

Freedom only came for Bishop Nicholas after Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity in February 313, under the Edict of Milan. Constantine, the son of Caesar, was the first Christian ruler of the Roman Empire. Among Constantine's reforms came the freeing of Christian prisoners, Christian property was returned, Jews were forbidden both from owning Christian slaves or circumcising their slaves, and Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire. In the future, that would not end well for Europe's religious minorities.

Emperor Constantine called the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. The meeting was the beginning of consolidating Christianity under a central authority. Saint Nicholas was present. Among other things, the meeting agreed to the observation of Easter. So, in a sense, one could muse the presence of Santa Claus in a meeting presiding over the creation of Easter and the Easter Bunny. Of course, these are modern conceptions. Just as the modern image of an Easter Bunny and a fictional fat jolly white Santa Claus had not yet been invented, Christmas as a celebration of Jesus’s birth had not been created yet either.

The first centralized Christian Bibles themselves were being developed under Constantine through a process that included excluding many texts that Christians of the time also considered holy. Some of those texts contain very different views of the world than the texts that made it into the Bible. Constantine’s commissioning of 50 Bibles is thought to have played an important catalyst role in this consolidation.

Emperor Constantine also ordered the building of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem at the purported site of Jesus' tomb. Today, this is said to be the holiest place in Christendom. Since its building, it has been damaged from earthquake and fire several times and rebuilt. Under Muslim rule, starting in the 7th century, the site has almost always been highly respected and maintained as Christian church. An essential exception was in October 1009, when Fatimid caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah ordered the complete destruction of the church as part of a more general campaign against Christian places of worship in Palestine and Egypt. Al-Hakim's policy was rescinded in 1028 by Al-Hakim's son, the new Caliph Ali az-Zahir.

Another sad chapter of Church of the Holy Sepulchre was when Europeans conquered Jerusalem in the Holy Crusades called by Pope Urban II in 1095. Some of the first victims of the crusades were the Jews of what is now Germany who were slaughtered in the Rhineland massacres. Muslim fighters made short work of those particular crusaders once they reached their territory. Soon after, however, a more professional army of “holy” Christian Crusaders managed to conquer the city of Jerusalem. When they did so, they drowned the whole city in blood. Among those civilians killed were Palestinian Christians peacefully praying in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

While the Christian Palestinians at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre were of the same skin color as Jesus would have been, and descendants of the same Hebrew Israelites, these Christians were simply slaughtered by the “Holy” Crusaders as brown skinned foreigners. With the “Holy” Crusades, Megyn Kelly’s mythical white racist Jesus had returned to Palestine to slay Jesus in the name of loot, rape, pillage, and feudal imperialism.

Yet, the myth that the conflicts in Palestine go back thousands of years was created by modern imperialist crusaders and their Zionist puppets. Truth is, once the European and Mongolian invaders were once again driven out of the region with the rise of the Islamic Ottoman Empire, the people of different faiths in Palestine once again lived side by side in harmony for centuries. Under the Ottoman Empire, the Palestinian people were religiously diverse. About 5% were Jews, 20% were Christians, and 75% were Muslims. With few exceptions, almost all were Arab. People did suffer under the feudalism of the time. Still, despite Zionist myths, it was a land with flourishing agriculture, culture, and harmony between religions. In comparison, for most of that period, the people of Europe were slaughtered repeatedly in religious wars and inquisitions that were carried out to take property and commit mass genocide against religious minorities that might challenge the rule of the church.

Much of the relative harmony in Palestine and the rest of the Arab world began to slip away in the waning years of the Ottoman Empire. European imperialist inroads played a major role. Likewise, an outdated feudal system and the rising nationalism of the empire’s Turkish rulers was an increasing problem as well. In 1908, moves attempting to force the empire’s Arab peoples to speak Turkish alienated the empire’s Arab peoples and sparked Arab nationalist revolts.

In Palestine, the British Empire took advantage of rising Arab nationalism. Britain had a key goal of destroying the Ottoman Empire to take Iraqi oil. In its war to destroy the Ottoman Empire to take Iraq, Britain promised Palestine to the Arab nationalists as well as to the Zionists of Europe who wanted to expel the Arabs and establish a Jewish supremacist colonial settler state. Likewise, Britain promised Lebanon and Syria to France and encouraged Greece to invade Turkey itself. After the Ottoman Empire was destroyed, Britain reneged on the false promises it had made to the Arab nationalists for independence. Instead, France took Lebanon and Syria as colonies, and Britain took Iraq, Jordan, and Palestine.

To control the betrayed Arabs of Palestine, the British imperialists found the growing numbers of Jewish Zionist settlers very handy. The British used the Zionist anti-Arab militias to brutally crush strikes and revolts against British rule. Under British imperialism, the Zionist settlers bought land from Arab feudal owners, largely based in Damascus, and expelled Palestinian tenants from their homes and farms. It was still a small minority of lands compared to Israel’s massive thefts, terror, and genocide in 1948 and 1967, and slower continuous thefts and ethnic cleansing expulsions from 1948 on, but even before Israel was created in 1948, the Zionists had already created a sizable Palestinian refugee crisis through evictions and terror.

In 1948, Britain fully gave Palestine to the Zionist fascists who had served them so well. Since 1948, Israel’s ethnic cleansing campaigns have stolen the majority of Palestinian lands from their owners, placed 7.1 million Palestinians outside of historical Palestine as refugees, and forced those Palestinians who remain inside of historical Palestine to suffer extreme discrimination, continued theft, continued ethnic cleansing, and millions are still internally displaced refugees. Ethnically cleansed Palestinian refugees are not allowed to return to their homeland by the Israeli Jewish supremacist government, yet Jews from anywhere in the world who have zero personal connections to a life in Palestine, are given automatic citizenship in almost all cases. At least 50 laws on the books in Israel apply to Palestinians and not to Jews. Palestinians are constantly harassed, millions are denied the right to vote, all are denied the right to peacefully protest, and they are often killed for political expressions or just plain being Palestinian.

The United States replaced France and Britain as the main imperialist backers of Israel in the 1960s. Weapons flowed to Israel from the United States to inflict damage on Egypt and Syria. Both had carried out Arab nationalist and sweeping socialist revolutions. In the 1970s, those revolutionary gains were turned back fully in Egypt, and partially in Syria, partially as a result of the U.S. imperialist and Zionist blows of 1967. By the time Israel carried out its unprovoked wars of aggression in against Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and the Palestinian people in 1967, in the so-called "Six Days War", the U.S. had armed Israel to the teeth and the Arabs didn’t stand much of a chance. It was in that war that Israel seized East Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza, most of Syria’s Golan Heights, and the Sinai Peninsula while also carrying out horrible massacres of Palestinian refugees.

It is these crimes of the Israeli white supremacist and Jewish supremacist capitalist government, committed with billions of dollars in U.S. military aid, and not thousands of years of religious hatred, that has created the conflict in Palestine.

Free Palestine!

End 3.8 Billion Dollars in U.S. Military Aid To Israel Per Year!

-Steven Argue for The Revolutionary Tendency

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Original: Of The Mythical 3,000 Year Conflict In Palestine