Some Discussion Points about Immigration Trends into the uSA 2017

by 12345 Wednesday, Sep. 06, 2017 at 6:01 PM

Most Political Refugees do not get sponsored into US Borders. There are a few but their are millions of people dislocated by arm sales and dictators as well as ethnic conflict and religious and business strife that is large scale not controlled by the UN or African Union

The 50 states plus territories and semi colonies are in a position to help with tent cities, foodstuffs and medicine but it is hard to survive without help.

Immigrants both legal and illegal have carved out a nich in blue collar occupations. Some people want the undocumented to temporarily leave and register to re-enter.

By slowing the flow it is is hoped that Mexican-Americans who have been in a number of states legally, African-Americans who are in or near poverty and the less numerous whites in official poverty and the better known about Native Americans and the few Asian-Americans and biracials

Many immigrants are having trouble getting out of poverty.

The Chamber of Commerce doles out 200$ USA a year to politicians that think immigrants are going to vote their way. Immigration is a poltical and social minefield. WE need to stop the 5,000$ fees immigration lawyers charge and help the citizens first. Citizens must have the first choice for jobs and housing..

Original: Some Discussion Points about Immigration Trends into the uSA 2017