A Sort Story about Iran, The Ayatollah Khomeni and Iran during the Shah

by Dr. Sayeed Moustafah Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2017 at 7:20 PM

The Ayatollah Khomeni was exiled to Paris France long before the 1979 revolution which ended the monarchy and paved the way for a long list of fundamentalists from Qom and other cities. One tactic of the fundamentalists was to recored cassette tapes in France, then distribute them in Persian speaking areas from masjids or mosques.

Amnesty International has recored crimes by SAVAK under the Shah and the regime that inherited SAVAKS macinery. SEarch Amnesty International and Iran and 2017. Japan is one of thetop 5 buyers of Iranian fuels.

Original: A Sort Story about Iran, The Ayatollah Khomeni and Iran during the Shah