PBS POV "The Uprising of 1934" Textile workers in the SE challenge unjust order

by Truck Stop Team USA 2017 1st Shift Thursday, Jul. 13, 2017 at 8:50 PM

PBS POV has come out with a while ago ago the 1934 textile strike in 5 SE states with many mills and hundreds of thousands of whait workers who were not protected by New Deal legislation during a hard Great Depression. According to Clooney thosands were blacklisted a 7 murdered

Workers are never powerless and exploitation can be interrupted or even eradicted over industries. these large scale businesses have fled with the invitation of other actors. It has been a type of economic hijacking of the southeast a region of the US noted for racism, poverty and few rights. However the 34 uprising is notable and serves as more than footnotes or historical markers.Doi you think any large scale spinner of cotton would willingly give scholarships away//Some built housing for their workers and many had company baseball teams. This is known as a company town in dictionaries.

Original: PBS POV "The Uprising of 1934" Textile workers in the SE challenge unjust order