Please Work To Oppose Neil Gorsuch Nomination

by SNS Saturday, Mar. 18, 2017 at 7:22 PM

Please work to oppose the nomination of Neil Gorsuch, proponent of torture, war, execution, police lethal tasering, opponent of environmental regulation, the rights of the individual, the protection of minority voting rights etc.

Please Work To Oppos...
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The US has had no Supreme Court ratified executions since the death of Scalia

Don't let Mitch McConnell win.

Please Ask Senators To Vote

Against Neil Gorsuch

202 224 3121

Gorsuch is

1. an advocate of torture

2. a serially killing executioner

who turned down most requests for


3. a rubber stamper of war

4. a supporter of the illegal Guantanamo prison

5. a hunter

6. a pawn of corporations

7. He is called a Scalia man. Scalia was

the worst justice in 3/4 of a century.

8. Gorsuch opposes regulation of

a environmental polluters of the air, water, and earth

b. mongers of toxic food rights

d, working men and women's rights

e. corporations

f dangerous pharmaceutical products

9. Gorsuch has not answered questions

for senators who have a right to know his ideology

10. Gorsuch projected onto a couple using marijuana

that they had no right to use the 1st amendment and

freedom of religion because they were not sincere

11. Gorsuch argued that a policeman's fatal tasering

of a nonviolent man fleeing with pot was justified.

12. Gorsuch upheld deceptive web ads of which charges clients for months in which service not used

13. Senator Durbin said that in siding with Hobby Lobby instead of its employees Neil Gorsuch gave personhood status to a corporation and in addition denied religious freedom to its employees.

81% of the world's countries don't murder prisoners. The decapitations, stonings, and hangings which occur elsewhere are not as bad as the 45 minutes Clayton Lockett writhed in agony in the Oklahoma death chamber, a death chamber whose victims were often denied mercy by Neil Gorsuch.

Elizabeth Warren will vote no on Gorsuch

See how Neil Gorsuch is a friend of Wall Street

View the People For The American Way ad

See how Neil Gorsuch is a friend of Wall Street

View the People For The American Way ad

"President Trump had the chance to select a consensus nominee to the Supreme Court. To the surprise of absolutely nobody, he failed that test," she said in a statement. "Instead, he carried out his public promise to select a nominee from a list drawn up by far right activist groups that were financed by big business interests." -Senator Elizabeth Warren-

Boston Globe: Gorsuch threatens voting rights

Gorsuch: defender of torture

The first wave of opposition to Gorsuch was over 100 groups

Gorsuch defended tasering to death of a nonviolent man fleeing with pot

Democratic senators voting against Gorsuch include

Why Gorsuch should be opposed

Many groups opposing Gorsuch

People For The American Way: anti Gorsuch ad

Original: Please Work To Oppose Neil Gorsuch Nomination