Steve Mnuchin's Purloining Path To Riches Steve Mnuchin, Trump nominee for Secretary of the Treasury, former Goldman Sachs partner, is one of the very few who profited from his association with Bernie Madoff. Estimates range from 2 milliont o over 100 million. He now heads Dune Capital Management.
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Untold thousands of widows who thought they were safe in their reverse mortgage
homes for a lifetime found themselves out in the streets because of Mnuchin foreclosures.
Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said in February that Donald Trump's campaign pledge to fight against Wall Street was a hoax. He has proposed a giveaway of over 100 billion dollars to the 6 largest banks, is helping Wall Street to fleece their customers by working to remove protections. He is also working to end consumer protections in other areas.
Is Steve Mnuchin Trump's chief financial adviser?
In this loanshark capitalist society is it expected that Goldman Sachs grads own Treasury (Rubin, Paulsen etc) while serially killing executioners like Scalia can hand down their bloody legacies?
Mnuchin sued in relation to Madoff
Mnuchin fails to disclose 100 million assets until the last minute
Steve Mnuchin cochairman of Relativity exits just before big losses
Steve Mnuchin, a wolf of Wall St.
Mnuchin, one of the few to profit from his association with Madoff
Mnuchin and Madoff
More on Mnuchin and Goldman Sachs
Original: Steve Mnuchin Who Steals From Widows, Made Off With Madoff Loot