The Several Crucifixions Of Jackie Robinson, Number 42

by SNS Saturday, Apr. 16, 2016 at 8:03 AM

Ken Burns and Brian Helgeland focus on the heroism of Jackie Robinson

The Several Crucifix...
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Jackie Robinson, the first African American to integrate
major league baseball, had been court martialed while
in the army for refusing to go to the back of the bus
in Ft. Hood, Texas.. Once when with other black players he was told
at a gas station he had to use the outdoor toilet,
he replied to the owner to remove the gas hose, that they
would not be purchasing 99 gallons for their bus. The owner caved.
After Robinson joined the Brooklyn Dodgers, he was hit in the head
(beaned) by opposing pitchers more than any other player. He
was beaned by pop bottles from racist fans of other cities.
He was deliberately spiked by opposing team players sliding into first.
He was victimized by the rulings of racist umpires. He was told
in southern towns by sheriff deputies that he would be arrested if he
did not leave the playing field. In one Florida town a mob of men came to hurt him.

. "In Sanford, Florida, the police chief threatened to stop the game
if Robinson did not leave the field; in Jacksonville, Florida, the stadium
was inexplicably padlocked shut on game day; in DeLand, Florida the scheduled
day game was called off on account of faulty electrical lighting." (Wikipedia)

He was bumped from planes in favor of whites. Some of the Dodgers signed
a petition that they did not want to play with a black.Those who persisted were
traded. Robinson was subjected to racist slurs by an opposing
manager every time he came to bat. He was refused service
in restaurants, and like Jesse Owens, Olympic champion, who after
a ticker tape parade in his honor in NYC had to go through the
back door of the Waldorf Astoria, Robinson was denied hotel rooms.
Black reporters such as the one hired by Dodgers owner Branch
Rickey were not allwed in the press box.
Robinson had been hired by Branch Rickey, a deeply spiritual man,
who told him that as a student at Ohio Wesleyan, he, Rickey, had not
done enough to defend a black player.

Throughout major league baseball, in 1997 the number 42 was
permanently retired to honor Jackie Robinson, The above are all incidents
described in the movie "42" (Robinson's number), written and directed by Brian
Helgeland, with Chadwick Boseman and Harrison Ford
playing Robinson and Rickey respectively.

Jackie Robinson was born Jan 31, 1919 in Cairo Georgia around 6 PM
Robinson's chart with 4 planets in aquarius and with the moon and sun conjunct at 11
degree and venus and uranus conjunct as well indicates an old soul, one who has passed
many tests in other lives and has been incarnated in several races. Only 1 in
approximately 5200 people would have that aspect. In addition Robinson had pluto
and jupiter in cancer, indicative of a nurturing and sensitive man
with mercury in capricorn,
a man attracted to discipline and brevity of speech.

In the movie, Branch Rickey tells Robinson that
he must like their mutual Savior turn the other cheek.
How many could take and take and take physical
injury and insult and still bring their team to pennant


After the Brooklyn
Dodgers of the National League,
the Cleveland Indians in the American
League became the 2nd team to
integrate baseball, hiring Larry Doby.

It is ironic that the owners of the Indians
continue to be insensitive to Native American
objections to the caricature Chief Wahoo.
Before either Brooklyn or Cleveland, the government
of Cuba had welcomed Jackie Robinson.

April 15, 1947.... the fires of resurrection as evidenced by 2 planets in aries and 2 in leo, with the moon in aquarius, sign of the power of the social pioneer, arcing the light of Robinson's FOUR planets in aquarius.

Robinson would not live to see the retiring of 42 in all baseball on the 50th anniversary of his 1st playing for the Dodges, April 15, 1947. He and Rachel Robinson had 3 children.

Ken Burns' 4 hour documentary on Jackie Robinson

Free chart is from In 2015, Virginia, Florida, Georgia, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri remained racist execution states. As of April 12, 2016, the racist state institutions of Florida, Texas, Georgia and Alabama had murdered prisoners.

As parimaries are conducted in NY, PA, CT, MD, NJ, IN, CA and other states, may the racist war candidates Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich be repudiated.