How does it feel to lose the war, America?

by voice from the wilderness idVer:c761feeafb3b7 Monday, Apr. 11, 2016 at 9:00 AM

Down to the abyss with America

Hello America. How does it feel to lose the war? The drug war I mean. You have your heads so far in the ground you probably don't even know what I mean. It is more about war than you ever knew.
If we had bombarded you with bullets and bombs you would have all pulled together and driven us away. By bombarding you with drugs we have ruined your children and your labor force and your schools and businesses and and drained you of your wealth while we did it. Instead of uniting to fight us off you have turned on each other. Lock them up and throw away the key. Don't waste public benefits on them. Don't bother helping them. Let them go. United we stand, you said. And then you threw it away. Ha ha ha. So now you have so few people who can run or work for your businesses that we are buying them up right from under you. Ha ha ha.
We sent you the drugs and promised you comfort and enlightenment. Instead you got confusion and sickness. Once you were hooked it was too late, the drugs twisted the logical judgment of your brain and you couldn't think your way out of it. The few of you who refused the drugs are crippled by the loss of their families and friends and neighbors and have spent everything trying to save them. United we stand, you said. And then you threw it away. Ha ha ha
It's over. Time to stop fighting. Time to learn to obey your new masters. The people you believe you are superior to. The peoples you used to send care packages to have come back to conquer you.

Ha ha ha

The voice from the wilderness