(A-Radio) Berlin: Anarchosyndicalist struggle in vegan pizzeria

by A-Radio Berlin Sunday, Mar. 20, 2016 at 2:53 PM

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to a member of the anarchosyndicalist union FAU in Berlin. Until very recently he was involved in a worker's struggle concerning the dismissal of two workers from a vegan Pizzeria and tells us about the background of the struggle, the methods they used and the succesful end of the campaign. Further topics are the situation of migrant workers in Berlin and the issue of self-organizing of those workers.

You'll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here: http://aradio.blogsport.de/2016/03/18/a-radio-in-english-berlin-anarchosyndicalist-struggle-in-vegan-pizzeria/

Length: 17:35 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here: http://aradio.blogsport.de/englishcastellano/.

Among our last audios you can find:
* An interview with the Anarchist Federation in Britain about its Safer Spaces policy (about feminism and conflict resolution): http://aradio.blogsport.de/2016/02/26/a-radio-in-english-feminism-and-conflict-resolution-the-anarchist-federation-britain-and-its-safer-spaces-policy/
* Mediterranean 4: An interview with the workers of the self-managed soap factory Vio.me in Thessaloniki: http://aradio.blogsport.de/2016/01/24/a-radio-in-english-mediterranean-4-the-self-managed-soap-factory-vio-me-in-thessaloniki/
* Mediterranean 3: An audio by the self-organized refugee squat Orfanotrofeio in Thessaloniki: http://aradio.blogsport.de/2016/01/16/a-radio-in-english-mediterranean-3-the-self-organized-refugee-squat-orfanotrofeio-in-thessaloniki/
* An interview with an activist of the Passe Livre movement in Sao Paulo, Brazil: http://aradio.blogsport.de/2016/01/13/a-radio-in-english-brazil-the-passe-livre-movement-in-sao-paulo/
* Mediterranean 2: An interview with two anarchists working on the refugee topic in Slovenia: http://aradio.blogsport.de/2016/01/12/a-radio-in-english-mediterranean-2-anarchists-in-slovenia-and-the-refugee-balkan-route/
* Northern Europe 3: An interview with two members of the new Anarchist Federation in Finland, Alusta: http://aradio.blogsport.de/2016/01/05/a-radio-in-english-northern-europe-3-the-new-anarchist-federation-in-finland-alusta/
* Mediterranean 1: An interview with two activists of the occupied and self-organized refugee center Notara26 in Athens, Greece: http://aradio.blogsport.de/2016/01/02/a-radio-in-english-mediterranean-1-the-occupied-refugee-center-notara26-in-athens/
* Northern Europe 2: An interview on the Anarchist Bookfair in Tallinn, Estonia: http://aradio.blogsport.de/2015/12/18/a-radio-in-english-northern-europe-2-the-anarchist-bookfair-in-tallinn-estonia/
* Northern Europe 1: An audio on the countercultural Musta Pispala festival in Tampere, Finland: http://aradio.blogsport.de/2015/11/23/a-radio-in-english-northern-europe-1-musta-pispala-festival-in-finland/
* Eastern Europe 5: An interview with Anarchist Black Cross Warsaw: http://aradio.blogsport.de/2015/11/19/a-radio-in-english-eastern-europe-5-anarchist-black-cross-warsaw/
* The documentation of a presentation about the topic "Undercover for State and Capital": http://aradio.blogsport.de/2015/11/04/a-radio-auf-englisch-audio-documentation-undercover-for-state-and-capital/

Enjoy! And please feel free to share!

A-Radio Berlin

ps.: We are now on Twitter! Please feel welcome to follow us at @aradio_berlin!
ps2.: Please note: We are always looking for people willing to lend us a hand with transcriptions and translations from Spanish or German into English as well as people able to do voice recordings - in order to amplify our international radio work. You can contact us at aradio-berlin/at/riseup(dot)net!