Grab bag list about Leonard Peltier and the Positive Leadership he has played in USHistory

by Borrowed g=from Harvey Arden edit LeonardText Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2016 at 6:51 PM

Leonard Peltier has done a helluva quantity of work for people in dire straights on the reservation that dot the US primarily in the Western half.Leonard occupied abandoned Ft Lawton near Seattle on March 4 1970 according to the text "prison Writings" page 224 appendix 1

thiswas following an old federal law gives Indians first claim to lands abandoned by federal agencies. The activists were beaten and jailed by authorities but eventually Ft. Lawton became an important symbol for the US as a Native American cultural center.

In 1972 Leonard Peltier moved to Milwaukee and joined AIM and allies himself with Dennis Banks

This is complicated but Leonard was beaten by 2 plainclothes cops from Milwaukee. He had a small pistol that was not working and the legal system put him on trial which he was fiund not guilty in 1978. At the time the FBI ordered locaal police to arrest AIL members on 'every possible charge' This was made public by a Freedom of Information Act Request simlar to ones used by the ACLU, 60 Minutes and people allied in somee form with the
Brown Berets of Los Angeles County