The Carrot with the Stick Islamic 3rd World Grab Bag Excavations

by Han Solo, Luke and R2D2 Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2015 at 7:10 PM

Saddam Husein's involvement with the Iraqi Baath Socialist Party in 1955. Baathists were reported to have chapters in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Yemen. Baathists are described in the history text "Dictionary of the Middle East" by Dilip Hiro St> Martins Press. Baathists believe in a Pan Arab future.

The Arab Baath Socialist Party. In Iraq it favored land reform,public ownership of natural resources,transport, large scale industry and financial institutions and freedom of speech and asociation.. Until 1966 there was a National Command based in Damascus. In July 1968 there was a Baathist coup in Bagdad.

In Iraq the Baath Socialist Party was started in 1950 and had 208 members in 1954.

The Iraqi Bath Socialist Party cooperated with other groups in 1958 to overthrow the monarchy. Abdul Karim Qasim became the new ruler in Iraq who was overthrown in 1963

Saddam Hussein deepended party contacts in 196then in 1973 sponsoring the National Progressive and Patriotic Front. This happened in July 1973.

Break_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ New York Times Best seller: "The Trouble with Islam Today" A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith Irshad Manji Appeared on Oprah Winfrey and Ms. Magazine and Simon Wiesenthal Award for Valor She calls for "itjihad" a lost Islamic tradition that promotes independent thinking and a call for a fatwa free future.

Original: The Carrot with the Stick Islamic 3rd World Grab Bag Excavations