kentucky 101 for beginners

by Underground Railroads US Monday, Nov. 02, 2015 at 12:03 PM

Kentucky especially rural eastern ky is one of the poorest regions in the us. However, there are a lot of help from governmental agencies who help fund black lung clinics food pantries and health clinics. Not all people are in the poor levels.

In the late 1960, and early 1970's the Patriot party and the Young patriots were formed and public. These were advocates for a better social structure and they cooperated in some ways publicly with the Black Panthers and the Puerto Rican led Young Lords. There was a photograph in the Great Speckled Bird an alternative newspaper published and sold in metro Atlanta from 1967-1974 that showed the confederate flag flying side by side with the panther flag. The two groups discussed similarities.I do not know if this is true or partially true but the Patriot Party was supposedly arrested by the FBI similar to Pantherf arrests by J. Edgar Hoover;s employees.
Alternative methods continue to attract some folk into a liscended midwife school that educates, trains and certifies new midwifes at Frontier Medical School near Hazard, Sasafras and Viper. See Kentucky Homebirth Coalition for Data on World Health Org, Public Hospital Assoc and Gynelogical Obstretics testimony that this is very safe and a good choice for some families in our country.
Hemp was widely grown near lexington until 1938 when it was outlawed by the national gov.