The Expulsion of Arabs from Spain 1492

by jose corona jr. Friday, Oct. 09, 2015 at 11:01 AM

Arabs from 2 or 3 countries had immigrated over water to southern spain and portugal and had established themselves including architectural buildings with tile and ornamental metals.

This was overthrown by the Spanish in 1492 at the same time that they began sending forces on boats into the Caribbean with Columbus, The west coast of South america with Pizarro and into Mexican aztec.....maya territories near present day mexican states.Most of these people speak spanish and a number speak mayan dialects in southern mexican states perhaps 10% in Oaxaca, Chiapas and the states near Puebla and Cuernavaca which hold Spanish courses for foreigners monthly.
arabs and jews were kicked out of southern spain and southern portugal. There is a related topic in different time named "the spanish inquisition"