A Letter (sent) to L.A. Slut Walk

by Janet Jacobson idVer:d0c17f2b71388b4c27dd9885 Saturday, Oct. 03, 2015 at 12:51 PM

This is a letter to a Chicago based group who have turned women's rights into a profit margin.

I live a block from where you landed L.A.'s Slut Walk which brings up two concerns.

1. Holy hell did you commercialize this thing to crap. Gross. Really really nasty stuff.
Where's your roots, people? You can do better at making this a community affair and
not another profit margin.

2. Your choice location - Pershing Square, has a TERRIBLE relationship with the neighborhood.
It abuses the homes on top of it and around it. Any event that comes to Pershing Square
that locks the public park off from the public and that uses sound systems to blast individuals
in their homes on their only days off work are hated in the area. This does not bode well for
the message Slut Walk wants to send - "Do not harass women." You cannot ask the world
to not harass women when you are harassing the world. Pershing Square is a terrible choice
to throw any large exclusionary / concert event.

I am a grassroots women's rights activist but I am really disappointed in your event and will not
be defending it from the angry neighbors and I will not be going to it. You did a lot of wrong to
a movement that needs a lot of right.

I hope your profit margin was worth it.

For your notice - this letter is being mailed to all media, grassroots activists orgs, and city leadership.

-Janet Jacobson