by Michael Steinberg Thursday, Aug. 27, 2015 at 8:06 AM

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the US nuclear industry, and highlights the efforts of those who are working for a nuclear free world.

Restart Relapse

Less than a week after the 70th anniversary of the US Atomic bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, and the literal meltdown of over 200,000 human beings, the current Japanese government announced the restart of the Sendai nuclear reactor, the first to resume operations since the Fukushima disaster of March, 2011.

On August 10, Bloomberg Business reported ‘The safe restart of Sendai is important for Japan and for the worldwide community,” according to “Dale Klein, former chairman of the US NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission).”

“It can demonstrate that nuclear energy can play a role in the safe, reliable generation of electricity,” Klein also told Bloomberg.

According to Wikipedia, Klein was appointed to head the NRC by George W. Bush in July 2006, and resigned that post in 2010.

Before that Klein worked for W as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense, starting in November 2001” Wikipedia reported.

Wikipedia also reported that Klein “Formerly worked as Chancellor for Special (i.e. nuclear) Energy Programs at the University of Texas.”
In November 2013, NEI News (the Nuclear Energy Institute.
is the US nuclear industry’ primary lobbying organization) reported that Klein “Blasts Panel for comparing
Fukushima and Indian Point.”

Fukushima needs no introduction. Indian Point is a troubled aging nuclear power plant 35 miles north of New York City, whose permanent shutdown is favored by New York State Governor Mario Cuomo.

On the panel referred to by Klein was Greg Jaczko, also a former NRC boss., who also favors the shutdown of Indian Point.
Klein characterized Jaczko’s remarks to that effect on the panel as “Classic fear mongering intended to create unnecessary anxiety.”

In its August 10 article, Bloomberg Business also reported these remarks from Aileen Miako Smith, executive director of Green Action. “a Kyoto based anti-nuclear NGO started in 1991

"The NRA(Japanese equivalent of the NRC) and Kyushu (owner and operator of Sendai) should explain to the public what to expect with the restart of the reactor, and inform people of the measures that have been taken to avoid incidents and accidents and obtain the public’s consent.”
Bloomberg also reported, “protesters, joined by former Prime Minister Naoto Kan, who was un office during the Fukushima disaster, gathered outside Sendai on Monday.”,

Caldicott Speaks

Dr. Helen Caldicott is an Australian pediatrician, 1985 Nobel Peace Prize winner, and one of the world’s foremost no nukes activists.

On August 12 she was interviewed by Free Speech Radio News about the Sendai restart.

Among Dr. Caldicott’s comments:

“Idiots. Another meltdown could mean the end of Japan…the majority of the Japanese people, 60 to 70%, are opposed to the reopening. There have been, demonstrations, but I’m afraid money counts over there and TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Co., owner of Fukushima) and Toshiba are really the government and when they decide it goes ahead.

It is also happening because the nuclear industry in America is exerting a huge amount of pressure upon the Japanese industry to open again, for several reasons: a) it would increase the amount of uranium; b) it will encourage the nuclear industry in America; c )Japan is a major producer of parts for nuclear reactors, reactor vessels, etc., which they export all over the world.

Over 109 children in Fukushima Prefecture suffer from thyroid cancer, and the number of incidents in that population is 1.2 million.

In America, there is going to be another meltdown soon. I guarantee that

And once that happens…that will be the end for nuclear power.”
