National Congress Vote on Food Stamps Cutbacks

by Paul Hays Saturday, May. 30, 2015 at 6:51 PM

The national vote on food stamps cutbacks was held in the national congress on may 1, 2015. The vote to trim the EBT cards was passed by 3 votes out of about 486 votes.

This news according to the Huuffington Post. laerge areas of the nation voted to keep the program intact such as northern new mexico, parts of Arizona, south Georgia and west vrginia counties. 47 million citizens qualify for a monthly counterfeit card and must reapply each calendar year in person or electronically.This is not a champagne, truffles and caviar" program".47 million citizens have paid into the national system rthrough taxes and are not a drain on the national system. This includes refugees, disabled, senior citizens, low wage workers and parents. go to 1 866 3 hungry for details about help by county to county areas sevral days a week.

Original: National Congress Vote on Food Stamps Cutbacks