NJ Gov. Christie Claims Cannabis Legalization is "Blood Money"

by Clown Award Goes to Christie! Thursday, Mar. 26, 2015 at 2:40 AM

At a recent speech given in a drug treatment facility NJ Gov. Chris Christie claims that legalization is "blood money" when in fact the opposite is true. This comedian who plans to run for Pres. in 2016 believes then that there is no blood money made in the illegal status of drugs that create the cartels and resulting violence of gang warfare?

Am nominating NJ Gov. Chris Christie for the 2016 Cannabis Clown Award for making the most logically fallacious statement thus far in 2016!

Once again the Minister of Misinformation NJ Gov. Chris Christie gets the wrong message out to the public. At a speech in a drug treatment facility in Manahawkin, NJ he stated the following fallacy of logic when discussing cannabis legalization in NJ.

According to NJ Gov. Chris Christie;

(On his potential to approve upcoming legalized cannabis bill in NJ).

"To me, that's blood money. I'm not going to put the lives of children and citizens at risk to put a little bit more money into the state coffers. At least not on my watch," he said.

quote reference source;

How's that for a complete lack of contact with reality? So by legalizing cannabis the money becomes bloodier than it already is now under illegal status?

The illegal drug cartels are just as violent today as they were during the prohibition of alcohol relative the size of the population. Turf wars between rival competing gangs left many soldiers and innocent bystanders for dead in the streets. How can the reality of these few decades of prohibitions and their similarities to one another in creating violent gangs miss this man's brain circuitry? Why does the prison-industrial complex wish to sacrifice the lives of more young people in continued illegal drug gang warfare?

Legalization of cannabis would reduce the body count in NJ and elsewhere. Certainly gangs would still exist, and this would eventually lead to calls of legalizing harder drugs like heroin and cocaine. This "slippery slope" argument isn't entirely false, as the same logic applies. However, heroin and cocaine are far more addictive with health damaging potential and would be better off in the rehabilitation realm then in the prison-industrial complex. The state of Nevada has legalized prostitution in brothels, is that not a step up from incarceration? Who are the real beneficiaries of keeping "vices" illegal and in the realm of prison for personal choices? If teens drink too much alcohol and drive the consequences can be fatal, yet this remains a legal vice. While a plant that encourages people to be more relaxed and generally slower, safer drivers remains prohibited under threat of prison time. Hypocrisy in political candidates just won't work anymore when the truth is shared and widely available.

There is blood of children with seizure disorder's on Gov. Christie's hands who would have been helped by medical cannabis and he has the nerve to talk about blood money? A young girl dies while on his watch as she could not get to the medicine that could have saved her. Mr. Christie, try washing your own red stained hands dear sir, before you go casting stones at others!

The cannabis prohibitionists like Gov. Chris Christie are ignoring evidence from Spain, Israel and many other nations that indicate THC in cannabis can kill cancer cells. This was ? first ? discovered by Dr. Christina Sanchez from the University of Madrid in 2007 and has not yet been widely published or duplicated in the U.S. The mainstream media is mostly silent about this and other studies other than Dr. Sanjay Gupta's admission of prior error in thinking. There was also a study in 1974 with similar results and was then suppressed by the Nixon administration in the name of the "War on Drugs". As a result countless humans suffer(ed) and die(d) with toxic chemotherapy and are not given access to medical cannabis when it would help them and reduce suffering at the same time.

The unfortunate combination of drug war brainwashing and refusal to accept new science studies that are pro-cannabis results in personal patient refusal even when options are available (though at a long commute with many hurdles and hassles). It is better for people to admit that they were lied to by the U.S. drug policy since Harry Anslinger and Randolph Hearst than to continue carrying the burdensome cross of prohibition policies. We learn from our collective mistakes and proceed forward with knowledge gained from evolving science and medical research. If the U.S. and China prohibitionist led governments want to be last in line by accepting the medical benefits of cannabis then they are doing their people a serious disservice.

Though I don't like playing lesser evil-ism, for the Republicans Chris Christie has by far the least enlightened view on drug policy. The only profiteers under a Christie Presidency would be the prison-industrial complex, alcoholic beverages and the pharma/drug cartels. He would try to break the bones of every legal medical cannabis dispensary and send the DEA after the patients. He has no respect for the healing qualities and the international science backing it up and has no problem displaying his ignorance in public.

Please to all readers who are not 100% cynics about voting: If you registered as Republican and voted for Rand Paul we would at least get some better informed debates between the Democrat candidate (Hillary?). There's no point in making activists jobs harder by voting in the most ignorant and predictably combative candidate out there. Rand Paul is wrong about disliking public benefits, but his "live and let live" stated drug policy promises the states rights and is generally pro-legalization and pro- medical uses of cannabis. Rand also admitted to the large number of minorities and poor in prisons for long periods as a result of simple cannabis possession. This type of honesty is unusual for most politicians and maybe it's just a false promise of reform, though few others (even Democrats) are brave enough to speak out against the prison-industrial complex. Rand is also the most opposed to foreign military occupations and interventions out of the bunch. He pointed out the close ties between the CIA and ISIS, another gem of honesty. Truth is more important in 2016 than repeating outdated lies of the "War on Drug" or the maintenance of the prison-industrial complex.

The word "preventative" also needs to be included as a middle path category between medical (during illness) and recreational (no stated or observable illness). Someone who does not want to become sick or die of cancer may choose to use cannabis as a preventative measure to avoid cancer growth and advancement. To prevent such use when cancer is at a 1:3 chance is sheer mass murder of the population. This is what prohibitionists are engaging in and by refusing to unplug the wax from their ears and listen to science the screams of the dying cancer patients being poisoned by the pharma chemo monopoly remain unheard by Christie.

Thank you all for keeping this an open public forum. We need some leverage against the politician tyrants who want to rule over us all. This Gov. Chris Christie character gives the people of New Jersey a bad reputation and should not represent the Garden State in the 2016 Presidential campaign. Please consider registering Republican and voting for Rand Paul as having the most sensible libertarian view of cannabis on the 2016 ticket. Rand is the "least work" Republican lesser evil option for cannabis and anti-war activists, at least in words.