Israeli-Palestinian Science Organization (IPSO) Struggles for Peace

by Maintain Cease Fire 24/7 Saturday, Jul. 26, 2014 at 8:02 AM

IPSO is a non-political, not-for-profit organization based in the city of Jerusalem. IPSO’s mission is to foster and sustain cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians and to promote dialogue and interaction among scholars and scientists in the two communities. IPSO seeks out and supports high quality research in science and learning, involving cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian scientists and scholars.

While the religious extremists in Hamas and the IDF are busy fighting to destroy one another, the logical scientists at the Israeli-Palestinian Science Organization are working together for peace.

We need more secular minds coming to the forefront and demanding that both sides cease and desist in firing rockets and demolishing homes. Israel is clearly reacting with overkill of civilians, though Hamas agents shooting rockets into Israel only adds fuel to the fire. Science can become the top priority for understanding the desert ecosystem that both groups of humans are inhabiting together without continuing disputes. Letting go of religion and nationality can help humans come to terms with the physical realities of Earth; water, food, flora, fauna, etc...

From our observations;

1) ALL human blood bleeds out red.

2) Clean air, water and food is essential for survival of ALL humans. Neglect these priorities in the hopes of "getting to Heaven" and you're completely missing the point of life on Earth!

3) If religions keep humans in a state of perpetual warfare, maybe a new universal acceptance of humanity is needed that moves beyond faith based belief systems.

Consider ethical science as a way to heal the wounds of religious extremism that doesn't seem to value human life. Firing rockets at random (Hamas) and bombing homes and hospitals (IDF) isn't the sign of a religion that values human life, despite what they claim to represent for "their people."

"IPSO was launched with UNESCO backing in April 2004, two years after the instauration of World Science Day for Peace and Development. IPSO is the brainchild of Professor Sari Nusseibeh, President of Al Quds University in Jerusalem, and Professor Menahem Yaari of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Both men were panellists at a UNESCO roundtable in November 2002 on Science for Peace. They were joined on the panel by Professor Torsten Wiesel, who would later become one of the eight members of IPSO’s International Science Council. All but one of the members of the Council are Nobel Laureates and the eighth is an Abel Laureate, the Nobel equivalent for mathematics. The members are: Chair: Torsten Wiesel (USA), Peter Agre (USA), Michael Atiyah(UK, Abel Laureate), Kenneth J. Arrow (USA), Edouard Brézin (France), Farida Faouzia Charfi (Tunisia), Claude Cohen–Tannoudji (France), François Jacob (France), Daniel Kahneman (USA), Ida Nicolaisen (Denmark), Harald Reuter (Switzerland), John Sulston (UK) and Michael Walzer (USA).

In 2005, UNESCO contributed US$100 000 in Funds-in-Trust to IPSO. Director-General Koïchiro Matsuura announced the UNESCO contribution after the President of IPSO’s Scientific Committee, Professor Torsten Wiesel, told a meeting of Permanent Delegates to UNESCO on 23 May of the same year that ‘We have a list of 30 joint research projects [involving both Palestinian and Israeli scientists] …‘These projects are excellent but the money is lacking’. Mr Matsuura told the assembly that ‘IPSO has reached the point where it now needs to turn ideas into action. This is why I invited representatives of UNESCO’s Member States which have shown an avid interest in UNESCO’s efforts in the Middle East to the present meeting. This meeting is an opportunity for donor countries to get to know IPSO’s concrete projects better and to see how they can back them’.

Since 2004, IPSO has succeeded in funding eleven research projects, mostly in the hard sciences and medical and health fields, for a total cost of US$2 million. IPSO has approved another 20 similar projects submitted jointly by Israeli and Palestinian scientists, at an estimated cost of about US$5 million, but is struggling to raise funds ‘to support this new generation of excellent research projects’.

Every two years, IPSO contributes to debates at the World Science Forum in Budapest (Hungary). The first forum in November 2003 also offered an occasion for IPSO to meet for the first time, when UNESCO organized a round-table on Science and Peace: from Talk to Action, to underline the role scientific cooperation plays in maintaining peace in regions divided by conflict.

In July 2007, IPSO received the formal responsibility for the Project for Israeli-Palestinian Cooperation in Science Education

BTW - The EBE entities that contacted me warn that perpetual human religious/territorial conflicts will result in a global shut down of the power grid. They have zero tolerance for religious warfare amongst humans and view us as kids in a romper room destroying our homes with toy weapons. They will simply turn out the lights, take away our toys and return us to the "Garden of Eden" or "as you were" in military lingo. Humans are safer with bows and arrows or spears hunting deer and antelope than waging war with one another. They feel that a return of humanity to a more primitive hunter-gatherer state will protect the Earth, that is their top priority.

When in a hunter-gatherer mode humans will have more important things to worry about than fighting one another over imaginary religions. In that I am in agreement, so maybe the EBEs will have their warnings ignored and collapse the system anyway. The EBE movie with "Klaatu" wasn't revealed to me until after my first contact, though they are more serious and cannot be swayed by a kid actor. Logic is their only god and that god does not allow humans to destroy Earth for the sake of some imaginary religions.

Best wishes for peace. Ignore the EBE message for peace at your own peril. Humans do not own the Earth!