Tom Hanks- Tom Hanks: The CIA's Guy in Hollywood

by rAT Tuesday, Jul. 08, 2014 at 11:26 PM

Forest Gump brings "The Sixties" to life on CNN- NOT!

Tom Hanks is an unabashed troll if there ever was one. He produced the series "The Sixties" now being shoved down America's throat by The Blitzer Corporation, better known as CNN. On the evening of July 3rd, as most citizens meditated a bit on the state of their country, Hanks & CNN broadcast the biggest bunch of lies and distortions ever about the assassination of JFK, disguised as a true "documentary". Oswald did it and he did it all by himself and everyone who disagrees is an idiot or a dupe. According to Gump, the Warren Commission got it all right. Of course this flies in the face of popular opinion, now running about 8 to 1 that Oswald was a patsy just like he claimed. And you thought Hank's little diversions from Mr. Cool to D-Day heroes and Spies were sooo cute. And all those tributes to "911 Heroes" sort of ring hollow after watching "Loose Change" on Netflix. So glad to see Tom in bed with the likes of Gerald Ford, Gerald Posner, and Gerald McBoing Boing.

Original: Tom Hanks- Tom Hanks: The CIA's Guy in Hollywood