Dial 911 - Report a jaywalker

by Tempe Police and Valley Metro Saturday, May. 17, 2014 at 10:53 PM

These new "Dial 911" posters in Valley Metro buses sound like they are there to create a jobs program for cops.

Dial 911 - Report a ...
dial_911_valley_metro_01.jpg, image/jpeg, 2591x982

These new "Dial 911" posters in Valley Metro buses sound like they are there to create a jobs program for cops.

I always thought that you were only supposed to dial 911 for emergencies.

But these new posters seem to say that you should dial 911 for anything.

I suspect it's to create a jobs program for cops who will be able to collect overtime for trivial crimes like jaywalkers and pot smokers!!!!

Original: Dial 911 - Report a jaywalker