Stop NY Gov Cuomo From Massacring 165,000 Geese And Mute Swans

by Geese Rights Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2014 at 8:21 AM

For untold decades, the USDA has secretly acted to kill millions of birds. Now it is behind the scenes in Governor Cuomo's plan to murder 165,000 geese as well as mute swans.

Stop NY Gov Cuomo Fr...
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Stop Governor Cuomo, The DEC and Obama's USDA From Massacring 165,000 Geese

Elizabeth Colbert said on the radio in February in effect "We humans are the disastrous asteroid destroying the earth." Human chauvinists think no other life form matters. Governor Cuomo, Joe Martens' Department of Environmental Conservation (what a misnomer) and secretly Obama's USDA run by Tom Vilsack whose background is facilitating the slaughter of millions of Iowa pigs are behind plans for the genocide of 170,000 Canadian geese as well as geese called 'mute swans' who are not aggressive with human beings as they silently swoop down.

While the New York Times coverage has been good, its use of the words 'trim' and 'culling' to describe the planned murder of 165,000 geese is a bloody euphemism.

Thumbs down to the Audubon Society, an organization which has always exempted chickens and turkeys from its concern, for stating that there are 5 times too many geese. Is 7 billion human beings too many?

The USDA has been killing tens of millions of birds since its inception, in response to livestock farmers' demands.

These birds can be part of a catch and release program, not a trap and slaughter one.

Please add your voice to the outraged tens of millions.

1 Governor Andrew Cuomo
/> The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224
(518) 474-8390

Commissioner Joe Martens
518 402 8546
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
625 Broadway
Albany, New York 12233-0001


Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Wash DC 20510 202 224 4451


Senator Charles Schumer 202 224 3121���

5 White House

6 Secretary Tom Vilsack U.S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, DC 20250

Please post this widely. Email news rooms. Call tv and radio talk shows. Network on the internet.

Geese murder has been ongoing in New York, at airports, in parks, but never before have the avicidal maniacs planned the deaths of so many.

The picture is of unconscious men, thinking they prove their masculinity by murder of innocent defenseless birds
See also: