Trans Pacific Partnership Tutorial

by johnk Thursday, Nov. 28, 2013 at 2:25 PM

A couple links about the Trans Pacific Partnership, a secret agreement being pushed, undemocratically, in Congress. Stop the TPP!

TPP is the new NAFTA. We know how that went - it caused a lot of jobs to be moved to other countries, and the conditions in both countries got worse. The rich got richer. The poor got poorer.

Keith Ellison explains the TPP to an audience in Minnesota. This is easy to watch, and runs for around 90 minutes.

Lauren Steiner organized a protest in Beverly Hills to protest the TPP. The turnout was solid, despite being scheduled during regular business hours.

Good story at LA Progressive:

Lauren on Popular Resistance:

Press relase, on Organic Consumers Assoc:

Lauren Steiner's twitter: