Petition & Article: Salary Cap Needed For Nonprofit Housing Developers

by Lynda Carson Friday, Nov. 08, 2013 at 6:58 PM

Too many executives in so-called nonprofit housing organizations all across the nation make upwards of $200,000 to $300,000 a year, off of tax payer subsidized housing projects!

Petition & Article: Salary Cap Needed For Nonprofit Housing Developers

Sequestration, Salary Cap Needed For Nonprofit Housing Developers

By Lynda Carson - November 7, 2013

Click below for full story and link to petition...

Click here to sign $125,000 Salary Cap Petition for Nonprofits

Hi, People Who Believe In Fairness

The petition is about fairness in the federal subsidized housing programs that are being shredded by the massive sequestration budget cuts, and placing the poor, elderly, and disabled at risk of higher rent increases, the loss of their housing vouchers, and homelessness! Too many executives in so-called nonprofit housing organizations all across the nation make upwards of $200,000 to $300,000 a year, off of tax payer subsidized housing projects!

That's why I created a petition to Nonprofit Housing Developer Executives which says:

"Due to sequestration budget cuts, we demand that all nonprofit and for profit so-called affordable housing developers freeze the rents on the poor. We also demand that the so-called affordable housing developers scale back all executive salaries above $125,000 annually, and impose a salary cap of $125,000 for all executives in organizations that have local and federal tax payer subsidized housing projects! "

Will you sign my petition? Click here to add your name:



Lynda Carson

Please feel free to forward this Petition as far and wide as possible!