Will You Let Obama And Hagel Drag You Into Another War?

by Impeach Warmongers Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2013 at 3:48 PM

Stop Obama from involving us in another criminally stupid and illegal war It's time to impeach or force the resignation of all those in our government who are puppets of the Netanyahu agenda.

Financial analysts write that the Bush 1,

Bush 2 and Obama wars have already driven

the poor to even lower levels of

poverty, have made the US government

enthralled to bankers in China, Switzerland,

Israel, Britain etc. while outsourcing our

jobs to other countries.

Security analysts describe the

tens of trillions of dollars which have been

spent and the real security of the US

harmed by slaughtering people in Iraq,

Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, etc.

The US has criminally neglected

education, health care, the environment

etc. as money goes down a sinkhole

to the benefit only of war profiteers and


Some Christians and Jews believe,

based on an Isaiah text,

that war with Syria will cause

Armageddon. Whether or not you reject that,

Never before in our history has pluto been

opposite the US sun. It has an orbit of 248

years. Now pluto is approaching opposition to

our July 4 birthday. We have been luckier than

other countries in the past. It's time to pray for

a cleansing of the augean stables of our government.

It would be disaster for another war to be forced

on the American people by their

traitor representatives in the White

House, Congress and elsewhere while federal agencies

such as the FBI, NSA, CIA, and Homeland Security

squabble among themselves and load the taxburdened

people with redundant bureaucracy.

It appears the US government has

a secret president, Benjamin Netanyahu,

who has directed the killing of Muslims

around the world while raping our

citizen tax supported treasury

and killing or maiming our soldiers for his own ends.

He thinks he has had the power to blackmail the

US into making his enemies ours.

Gandhi said that an eye for an eye

makes everyone blind. It also involves

all in an endless cycle of geometrically

multiplying hatred and revenge.

What hypocrisy for the nation whose

false leaders dropped depleted uranium

onto Baghdad and Fallujah, whose government

destroyed Vietnamese people, American soldiers

and jungles with agent orange,

whose 'ally' Israel dropped white phosphorus onto

'enemies', to claim the moral high

ground in regards to poison gas. Whether

the gas was dropped by the Syrian government,

Syrian revolutionaries, or Israel black ops

is not known.

It is time to take America back from

Netanyahu and for his puppets on the

Supreme Court, in the White House,

federal agencies and the Congress.

They should resign or

be impeached as traitors.

Original: Will You Let Obama And Hagel Drag You Into Another War?