Inglewood Indie Paper Threatened Physically

by johnk Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013 at 1:07 PM

The Morningside Park Chronicile, a small community paper in a neighborhood of Inglewood, has been threatened and the publisher says someone broke into her home.

Morningside Park is a middle class community in Inglewood, and Teka Lark, the publisher and reporter, reported on Facebook that:

On Friday the publisher of the MPC Teka-Lark was threatened by Derek Brown. Today someone broke in her house and went through her paperwork. This is freakin ridiculous. She's has a little community newspaper. Nothing was stolen, just papers were gone though. A knife was found outside. So not breaking in my house to rob me, so random go into people's houses and kill me type thing...what the hell....

Videos indicate that it's a local person who is afraid that funding for their athletic project is threatened.

These intimidation tactics must not stand. This kind of behavior is basic neighborhood terrorism. Back off and look at reality.

People shouldn't be so paranoid, especially if they are running a little league program and could easily mobilize fifty people to push for support. Now, I'm certain everyone who hears about this is suspicious of Derek Brown.