Bob Avakian Interviewed on the Michael Slate Show

by Michael Slate Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2013 at 10:40 PM

The first segment of the new five-part interview of Bob Avakian by Michael Slate hit the airwaves on Friday, January 11, 10 am PST on the Pacifica radio station KPFK (Los Angeles, 90.7 FM). New installments will run on the next four Fridays, same time. The interview can be caught live online at And each part will be available for download shortly after airing, at and the KPFK audio archives.

If your heart aches to see an end to the horror upon horror that are piled on people around the world. If you are sick and tired of this and dream of a radically different, much better world – then you need to seriously get into this interview with Bob Avakian, the leader of a new stage of communist revolution. You need to confront the brutal reality we face, get underneath the way things are and how things don't have to stay that way, and get with the scientific potential, strategy, and leadership for a real revolution, for a whole different way the world could be.

In this wide-ranging interview, Avakian provides deep analysis on the recent elections as well as the illusion behind elections under this system; he speaks to the lies told about the history of communism; the real potential for revolution in this country and the strategy for that revolution; what the goal of this revolution is and, in particular, what the breakthroughs are that are concentrated in the new synthesis of communism that he has brought forward.

Avakian also talks with passion and science about what has kept him on the revolutionary road for decades now despite great sacrifice and at great personal risk.

Original: Bob Avakian Interviewed on the Michael Slate Show