Extreme liberal responses to Supreme Court health care ruling increase polarization

by Darryl William Wednesday, Jul. 04, 2012 at 8:49 PM

Democrats consider the health care decision by the Supreme Court to be a victory, while Republicans are feeling a loss. As Republicans regroup and plan the next step toward getting the law repealed, Democrats are enjoying their win.

Extreme liberal resp...
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Democrats consider the health care decision by the Supreme Court to be a victory, while Republicans are feeling a loss. As Republicans regroup and plan the next step toward getting the law repealed, Democrats are enjoying their win.

President Obama has publicly supported the decision, while presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney has vowed to repeal the legislation as soon as he gets into the White House if he wins the presidential election in November.

Extremism on the left side of the aisle comes in many forms. Some of these include calling for socialist reform. Supporters of socialist ideals believe that this path is the greatest way to save the country. By implementing socialist philosophies, all citizens of the United States will receive equal treatment. Support for socialism seems to be growing. Kasama reports: “Carried out in late April and published May 4, 2010, the Pew poll, arguably by the most respected polling company in the country, asked over 1,500 randomly selected Americans to describe their reactions to terms such as ‘capitalism,’ ‘socialism,’ ‘progressive,’ ‘libertarian’ and ‘militia.’ The most striking findings concern ‘capitalism’ and ‘socialism.’ We cannot be sure what people mean by these terms, so the results have to be interpreted cautiously and in the context of more specific attitudes on concrete issues, as discussed later. Pew summarizes the results in its poll title: ‘Socialism not so negative; capitalism not so positive.’ This turns out to be an understatement of the drama in some of the underlying data.”

Liberals are also being called extreme for supporting mandated health care. In addition, it is considered extreme to monitor the healthy quality of food in children’s lunch boxes at school. Liberals are exhibiting extremism by initiating a “firearms treaty through the United Nations which will in encroach on Second Amendment rights granted in the U.S. Constitution,” Erik Stone posted on Facebook when responding to a question asked for examples of Liberal extremism. The belief is that since liberals are unable to pass legislation to encroach upon the Second Amendment successfully through Congress, they are seeking to do it through the United Nations and a treaty ratification, which with it then become law under the U.S. Constitution.

The Obama Justice Department's Operation Fast and Furious is also cited as an example of liberals attempting to gain control over guns in the U.S. The theory behind this is that the government intentionally allowed guns to cross the Mexico border, knowing they would be used to take innocent lives when they were brought back to the U.S. This was intended to be used as a tool to gain support to further gun control. National Review Online reports, “House Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa said the following at a National Rifle Association conference in April: 'Could it be that what they really were thinking of was, in fact, to use this — this walking of guns — in order to promote an assault-weapons ban? Many think so, and they haven’t come up with an explanation that would cause any of us not to agree.'”

The death of Trayvon Martin is also cited as an example of liberals fueling racial tension. Since Barack Obama won the presidency in 2008, racial tension appears to have escalated, and this escalation is being blamed on intentional actions by the far left. RS Red State reports, “When Barack Obama was elected, the liberal pundits hailed his presidency as a ‘landmark’ and swooned at the thought of the ‘healing of the racial divide.’ That was then. Now, three years into the Obama administration, the ‘post racial president’ has already presided over the greatest escalation of racial disharmony since the 1950′s.”

Increased racial tension, ploys to gain gun control and controlling what foods a parent can feed their child are simply not acceptable responses. It is important for the citizens of the United States to have leadership in place that is level-headed, reasonable and responsible. They set the examples for behavior during a time when emotions are high. Seeing responses like these raises new concerns about what is yet to be seen leading into the 2012 presidential election.