Paul Wellstone Award ?:Hillary Clinton,U.S.Mexico Ambassador Anthony Wayne,Afghanistan

by Tony Ryals Saturday, Apr. 14, 2012 at 7:37 PM

I couldn't believe it when I read that W Bush regime and Hillary Clinton call boy Anthony Wayne of Afghanistan Kabul Embassy sex slave and heroin trafficking infamy had won the 'Harvey Wellstone Anti-Slavery Award' and considered writing that organization a letter of protest until I realized I'd be addressing it to his and his crime boss Hillary Clinton's own U.S. State Department - part of the very U.S. and CIA government fascists WHO MANY SUSPECT PLAYED A ROLE IN HIS DEATH !

Paul Wellstone Award ?:Hillary Clinton,U.S.Mexico Ambassador Anthony Wayne,Afghanistan Sex Orgies, Heroin and Slave Prostitution

Senator Paul Wellstone's plane crash

Published in the May 27, 2002 issue of The Nation
Paul Wellstone, Fighter by John Nichols

Paul Wellstone is a hunted man. Minnesota's senior senator is not just another Democrat on White House political czar Karl Rove's target list, in an election year when the Senate balance of power could be decided by the voters of a single state. Rather, getting rid of Wellstone is a passion for Rove, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush and the special-interest lobbies that fund the most sophisticated political operation ever assembled by a presidential administration. "There are people in the White House who wake up in the morning thinking about how they will defeat Paul Wellstone," a senior Republican aide confides. "This one is political and personal for them." ....
"This race is going to be a case study of whether you can maintain liberal, progressive positions and win in this country in 2002," says Wellstone

ad sent by Republicans to Minnesota voters just before Wellstone's death, it resembles a death notice from the Mafia, not a campaign ad

I couldn't believe it when I read that W Bush regime and Hillary Clinton call boy Anthony Wayne of Afghanistan Kabul Embassy sex slave and heroin trafficking infamy had won the 'Harvey Wellstone Anti-Slavery Award' and considered writing that organization a letter of protest until I realized I'd be addressing it to his and his crime boss Hillary Clinton's own U.S. State Department - part of the very U.S. and CIA government fascists WHO MANY SUSPECT PLAYED A ROLE IN HIS DEATH !
The sleazy ex U.S. Ambassador to Argentina and more recently a sub Ambassador,(Vice Ambassador would certainly be an appropriate title), and now U.S.Ambassador to Mexico, represents everything that
Paul Wellstone stood against and fought against even receiving threats from the W Bush administration that Anthony Wayne proudly and perversely represented !

Bush 41's Opinion Of Paul Wellstone: A 'Chicken Shit'?
By Wayne Madsen
Before we all get sucked into George W. Bush's eulogies of the late Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone let us not forget what his father, Bush 41, called the Senator at a White House reception for newly-elected members of Congress in 1991.
Wellstone, who ran on a progressive platform, did not think Bush 41 cared one wit about education, health care, and workers' safety issues.
So when Wellstone met Bush in a typical White House pro forma reception line, he used the occasion to urge Bush on three different occasions to spend more time on issues like education and cautioning him against the Persian Gulf War. Of course, Bush was more concerned about fighting the war against Iraq (sound familiar?) and could care less about Wellstone's issues.
After Wellstone violated Bush 41's sanctimonious White House protocol, Bush was overheard saying, "Who is this chicken shit?"
Now after Senator Wellstone was tragically killed in a plane crash and "General" Karl Rove is obviously busy trying to figure out how the tragedy can benefit the GOP's chances of winning control of the Senate, I think it's time to answer old man Bush's question.
Far from being a chicken shit, Wellstone actually cared for people, unlike your pathetic son who could not even find a few minutes to attend one or two funerals of his Washington, DC area neighbors who were tragically shot and killed by a couple of snipers. No, Mr. Bush 41, Paul Wellstone was not a chicken shit, that epitaph is better reserved for you and your moronic son.
Bush was entertaining a brutal dictator at his awful Texas ranch while a group of Democratic leaders -- Governors Glendening and Warner, Senators Sarbanes and Mikulski, DC Mayor Williams, County Executives Duncan and Curry were celebrating the capture of the snipers and consoling the families of their victims. And then we were told that Paul Wellstone died in a plane crash with his wife, daughter, staffers, and pilots. First confirmation of the tragedy came not from the Senator's office or that of Minnesota's governor, but from the scruffy Crawford Ranch. I wanted to puke right then and there on the spot.
Mr. Bush 43: are you the President of the United States or the President of a corporate America resident in Texas? Senator Wellstone certainly knew the answer to that question.
The best memorial for Senator Wellstone is for Democrats, moderate Republicans, and progressives everywhere to turn out the vote on Election Day and keep the Senate Democratic and give the gavel in the House back to Richard Gephardt. It is the best tribute to the late and much-admired "boat rocker" from Minnesota.

Ambassador Anthony Wayne knows all of this as well as the subtle and not so subtle threats that Paul Wellstone received for opposing the 'Masters of War' to paraphrase poetry from his fellow Minnesotan Bob Dylan.And while Paul Wellstone was born 'Jewish' he did not judge nor favor anyone based upon
racial or religious background and set an example that anyone could be proud of as I know his non-Jewish wife and daughter who died with him on that tragic day most certainly were.Perhaps besides the love between his wife and himself he was attracted to a relationship with a woman who was not' Jewish',(generally meaning a white woman of Eastern European origin who is taught or conditioned or brainwashed ,(like her male counterparts),to erroneously believe they are 'Semites' and directly related to old testament biblical characters which we now know is a complete lie and myth),for the very reason that if he found that ideal intellect that resonated with his own in a 'Jewish' woman any child produced from such a marriage would be subject to targeting by Zionists who would try to use those roots for ill,such as supporting the religio-police state of Israel,just as they did to secular German Jews with cooperation and collution of the Nazis in Germany and Eastern Europe in the Nazi era,rather than the counrty he had grown up in and grown to love,the Midwest of the United States, with its Constitution that called for separation of church and state and by that also separation between state and synagogue and state and mosque as well,something Zionists as well as fundamentalist Christians and even some fundie Jews often oppose,possibly in the end,to their own and their children's detriment.:

Denying Nazi-Zionist CollusionPaul


When facts first emerged in the 1950s about Zionist-Nazi collusion, it caused considerable scandal in Israel and led to the fall of the Israeli government of the time. A number of books are dedicated to this subject and it is discussed in numerous others, almost all by Jewish and/or Israeli authors. The topic inspired novels by well-known Israeli writers Amos Elon and Neil Gordon, was the subject of a 1987 British play, and was portrayed in a 1994 Israeli docudrama. It’s surprising that Steinberg and the Board of Rabbis make no indication of ever having heard anything about this.
Popular American playwright and fervent Zionist Ben Hecht wrote the first book on the subject, “Perfidy,” relating the history of a Hungarian Zionist leader who arranged for his family and several hundred prominent Jews to escape while facilitating the movement of the rest of Hungarian Jews to Nazi concentration camps.
Hannah Arendt, in her 1960 book “Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report in the Banality of Evil,” writes: “To a Jew this role of the Jewish leaders in the destruction of their own people is undoubtedly the darkest chapter of the whole dark story.”
In “The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine” (containing an afterword by ADL head Abe Foxman), pro-Israel writer Edwin Black reports that in 1933 Zionist leaders concluded a secret pact with the Third Reich that transferred 60,000 Jews and $100,000 to Palestine, Zionists promising in return that they would halt the worldwide boycott “that threatened to topple the Hitler regime in its first year.”
Author-researcher Lenni Brenner wrote of Zionist-Nazi collusion in “Zionism in the Age of Dictators,” of which the London Times stated: “Brenner is able to cite numerous cases where Zionists collaborated with anti-Semitic regimes, including Hitler’s.”
Brenner’s second book on the topic, “51 Documents, Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis,” includes a 1940 letter from underground Zionist terrorist leader Avraham Stern proposing that Jewish militias would fight on Germany’s side in exchange for Nazi help in creating an “historic Jewish state.”
In “What Price Israel,” American Council for Judaism member Alfred Lilienthal describes FDR’s efforts to set up a program to rescue refugees, only to find Zionists sabotaging it. Roosevelt explained: “The Zionist movement knows that Palestine is, and will be for some time, a remittance society. They know that they can raise vast sums for Palestine by saying to donors, ‘There is no other place this poor Jew can go.’”.......

Paul Wellstone would be turning in his grave to know an Ambassador representing the very war criminals of the W Bush and now CIA and Zionist prostitute Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro regimes,with the help of terrorist Zionists such as Homeland Securiy 'Czars' such as Michael Chertoff and now Janet Napolitano who have hijacked and virtually destroyed the U.S.Constitution he loved and replaced with the Un-Constitutional Patriot Act, were now using his name in a place where they have committed war crimes,allowed heroin and opium to flourish for their personal use to illicitly enrich themselves or fund unending worldwide terrorism even against our own people,American,hide behind Wellstone's good name because they have tarnished their own so badly !
The W Bush and Dick Cheney regime along with Zionist agent Saboteurs such as Michael Chertoff who staged a coup against the American Costiturion itself and overnight brought us back to a religious dark age Paul Wellstone, who loved freedom and the U.S.Constitution, who received threats from scum like also threatened Paul Wellstone's life before he died in that plane crash in Minnesots under still controversial and inexplicable circumstances.Fascist Zionist CIA plants in the U.S.Supreme Court itself continue to ignore the U.S.Constitution and place more credence on the Israeli Patriot Act of Zionist terrorist and war and terrorism profiteer Michael Chertoff and like State Department prostitute Hillary Clinton cynically use Guantanamo itself and 'rendition' flights to run flights to South America for their personal cocaine trafficking and probably based on that fact and the huge growth of heroin cultivation since the U.S.occupation, also use Guantanamo to traffic Afghanistan heroin from as well !(This,including the airplanes and their tail numbers was documented in my last blog and elsewhere.)This also illicitly enriches the Russian-Israeli Jewish, or better put ,the international Zionist mafia who helped put them in power with political donations and fuels further terrorism in Latin America as well by narco terrorists such as Zetas that we now know have been funded by the U.S.government itself that these criminals have usurped - now with collusion of Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro ! If I had nor spent ten years investigating and observing I would find it hard to believe what I myself am writing !

CIA,HillaryClinton State Dept.,U.S. Ambassador Arnold Chacón owe apology to Guatemala for arming Zetas,Trafficking Cocaine

We know that before his tragic death that Paul Wellstone was the only real opposition in Congress to this whole 'conspiracy',(this is why we have or had 'anti-conspiracy laws before 9/11),and thus was for them a relatively easy target after the complexity of 9/11 and he did receive threats from this overt and subvert intenational criminal conspiracy before his unexplained airplane crash.His was both the crucial and most eloquent voice opposing the unending world, and particularly Middle East, war the fascists who have taken over our government pre-meditated and continue to wage while even the European far right controls their own cowed citizens with NATO and the EU bureaucracy simultaneouly !
And now it appears that a friend speaking from his hospital bed, Pat O’Reilly,who I have never heard of and until now know nothing about,comes forh to tell us,for the first time that,early on,Paul Wellstone was not only putting the most vocal and almost sole political opposition to the wars that were already prepared pre 9/11
by traitors and foreign agents within the U.S. and outside it,but he had expressed a desire to have a real 9/11
investigation,(something sleazy cowards and prostitutes like Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul always dodged),but that Dick Cheney had personally and directly threatened him prior to his death to specifically back away from calling for a real 9/11 investigation !While I am always skeptical of the as a source as well as Alex Jones although he ofen lies by ommision rather than by what he releases and knowing he is himself involved like Ron Paul with CIA and London Zionists connected stock fraudsters of Agora Inc.,I believe that the maker of the video documentary at link below and the quote and interview of witnesses to the crash as well as the person, Pat O'Reilly, who states he was a friend of Paul Wellstone is certainly new news and a new angle on Wellstone's intent of a real 9/11/01 investigation just before his mysterious death.:

[Very Heavy Video Preview] Senator Paul Wellstone: They Killed Him For 9/11 Questions — Although warned by Dick Cheney to “tow the line”, Senator Paul Wellstone questioned the official version of 9/11. For that he paid with his life. What follows are interviews with eyewitnesses, first responders and friends on his fatal “air crash”…
Filed under: 911 TRUTH • ToBeFree,CIA Drug Running/Assassinations — Jeff Fenske @ 12:43 am
Now we know why — Senator Paul Wellstone, good guy!!!
– –
From: BeforeItIsNews
by Julius Sequerra
“There are so many things going on re 9/11 that just don’t make sense”.
– Senator Paul Wellstone
“I asked him how his week had been. He said, ‘it’s been tough. Vice President Cheney called me in and told me to get on their bandwagon or there would be serious ramifications in Minnesota. ‘And stop sticking your nose into 9/11; there are some rumors going around, but we are going to get to the bottom of this.’ When Paul made this statement, there were about 10 military veterans standing around us, and he spoke to them about 9/11…’There are so many things going on about 9/11 that just don’t make sense…’ Wellstone knew 9/11 was staged. Wellstone was after 9/11.”
–Pat O’Reilly, Wellstone’s close friend.
Although warned by Dick Cheney to “tow the line”, Senator Paul Wellstone questioned the official version of 9/11. For that he paid with his life. What follows are interviews with eyewitnesses, first responders and friends on his fatal “air crash”…
“The Joint Operations Command (JSOC): It is a special wing of our special operations community that is set up independently. They do not report to anybody, except in the Bush-Cheney days, they reported directly to the Cheney office. Congress has no oversight of it. It’s an executive assassination ring essentially, and it’s been going on and on and on.”

It would certainly be good if Minnesotans and other Americans who don't want Paul Wellstone's name tarnished and associated with Hillary Clinton's Kabul U.S.Embassy with its history of Armorguard 'security guard' perverted orgies, sex trafficking or 'human trafficking' and even sex slavery and threats to 'fuck' subserviant male Afghanistan employees and forcing alcohol upon them against their religious beliefs,etc.,etc.,that the State Department of Hillary Clinton represents and that so generously lent Paul Wellstone's name to the scumbag Tony Wayne that he could use it to pretend he is something he isn't - i.e.- a
decent ethical human being,then just little human dignity however small might be saved from that Whore of Babylon Hillary Clinton and her Israeli Russian Jewish mafia she allows free reign to traffic humans and drugs into and out of Guantanamo and from South America to Mexico to the U.S. and parts in between including apparently through Europe while its decadent 'leaders' pretend not to see !
Although Paul Wellstone was born 'Jewish',(meaning a white person of usually Eastern European ethnic
origen and NOT of Semitic or Middle Estern origen as Zionists and religious fundies who wish us to return to their religious dark age would have us erroneoulsy believe),he was NOT a Zionist nor did he prostitute himself to them as does the cheap call boy Anthony Wayne and his drug trafficking crime boss Hillary Clinton and by association,Barack Obama whose step father,Indonesian Colonel Lolo Soetoro,besides being in the Indonesian military at the time of historic massacre of Indonesian citizens with the U.S.government involved behind the scenes, appears to have had U.S. 'intelligence' connections to enter the school in Hawaii that he attended at the time he met Obama's unwed mother in Hawaii.And there is little doubt that Obama or Barry Soetoro would have turned up in Pakistan of all places in the 1980's in the mid of daddy Bush's,'s Al Qaeda training and creation days to fight the Russians without having inherited these contacts from his mother dearest Anne Dunham who appers to have had U.S. 'intelligence' and official U.S.government and U.S. Indonesian Embassy connections of her own..
Nonetheless in remaining silent on Guantanamo rendition planes running cocaine that can be directly connected to Hillary Clinton's Russian Jewish campaign contributers and those who gave to her NY Senatorial political campaigns,etc.,etc. says as much for Barack Obama as it does about Hillary Clinton herself !
And no Paul Wellstone does not want his name associated with that either nor any low life call boy like Anthony Wayne who has profited by representing the very war crimes and illegal occupations of other nations that he himself opposed, possibly at the price of his life!
I have already posted above a link to my last blog that discusses the Guatanamo cocaine trafficking
scandal linked to Hillary's Russian Israeli Jewish mafia 'friends' that implicates the U.S. military or whoever controls the out of control Guantanamo fiasco that should be returned to its proper owners, the Cuban people,who could not possibly do more harm with it than than fascists who slander Paul Wellstone's name who opposed them to his grave.

Why did AnthonyWayne go to the U.S.State Department's infamous 'human trafficking' Kabul Embassy in the first place if he opposed 'human trafficking' as he lyingly claims to the Mexican people and why has opium production actually increased from its record levels in Afghanistan since his vacation there !? Is this the kind of 'ethics' that Paul Wellstone would have approved of ? I don't think so !

Ambassador Wayne Receives 2008 Paul Wellstone Anti-Slavery
4 Dec 2008 – Ambassador Wayne Receives 2008 Paul Wellstone
Anti-Slavery ... Ambassador Wayne honored by the US Department of
State as the 2008 Paul ... E. Anthony Wayne today has been honored by
the U.S. Department of State ...

Wayne has experience with drug trafficking, trafficking in persons, money laundering, terrorism....(I'll bet he does,ha ha)

5 Aug 2011 – Earl Anthony "Tony" Wayne, confirmed this week to be the new U.S. ambassador ... Of human trafficking, Wayne said, "It will be a priority for me.

(SBU) Deputy Minister Ibrahim Azbar noted that the import of precursor chemicals (used to turned opium paste into heroin) was one of the biggest counternarcotics problems currently facing Afghanistan, asking whether it would be possible to obtain assistance from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Ambassador Wayne agreed that better control of precursor chemicals was needed, and pointed to the recent (Afghan) Presidential decree banning ammonium nitrate as a good example of using the National Security Council structure as a way to address cross-cutting issues that have national security implications. .......

Thanks to Ambassadors like W Bush's and Hillary Clinton's prostitute Anthony Wayne ,'Afghan Heroin Production Up 61% in the Past Year Alone'.Obviously as far as heroin production and trafficking is concerned in U.S.military and CIA controlled Afghanistan,we as world citizens would be much better off if the Taliban were in control rather than the same W Bush regime people who created the Al Qaedawho also
still control Barack Obama behind the scene which includes the decadent Lords of London and their Zionist masters with the Rothschild octopus still manipulating with its international Israeli and Russian Jewish mafia tentacles.:

The West is losing the heroin war in Afghanistan – ten years after Tony Blair pledged that wiping out the drug was one of the main reasons for invading the country.
Despite spending £18billion and a conflict which has so far cost the lives of almost 400 British troops, production of the class-A drug by Afghan farmers rose between 2001 and 2011 from just 185 tons to a staggering 5,800 tons.
It increased by 61 per cent last year alone........

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon admitted today heroin production in Afghanistan has risen 61 per cent in the past year despite billions of pounds being spent by Britain and others to crack down on the Taliban.

It takes a lot of nerve,most of it not in the brain,for the new U.S.Ambassador to Mexico Anthony Wayne to
tell the Mexican people,who would really just like not to be gunned down in the streets by the narco traffickers the U.S.has trained and armed there,that he has come to put a halt to 'human trafficking' on the U.S.-Mexico border in light of the fact that he has just comme from overseeing the largest slave prostitution
market in the world in Afghanistan !
Wonder what U.S Ambassador to Mexico,Anthony Wayne's, strategy was for ending the Afghanistan sex slavery that was pioneered out of Hillary Clinton's State Department and his Kabul Embassy for a looong time by the ArmourGuard Embassy 'sex slavery' perverts,(who still 'guard' U.S. nuclear plants by the way just as Huntleigh airport rent-a-cops of Israeli 9/11 WTC mass murder suspect Menachem Atzmon's ICTS Internation STILL 'GUARD' U.S. AIRPORTS!)....Did he ban condoms ? And he says he will end 'human trafficking' on the U.S.-Mexican border after coming from the Kabul U.S. Embassy that is infamous for running sex slavery out of !:

The brothels in Kabul are euphemistically referred to as “Chinese restaurants.”
They acquired this name because Chinese government operatives helped to create some of them, in the shadow of legitimate Chinese restaurants, as part of their intelligence-gathering network. Many of these non-Afghan prostitutes have been trafficked into the country. A June 23, 2008, report from a prominent UK feminist web site ( entitled: Women trafficked to Afghanistan to meet demand from Westerners by Jess McCabe, details how Chinese women are tricked into moving to Afghanistan under the belief that they will be working in a legitimate restaurant.
In Kabul Cat Houses Are No Secret (September 17, 2009), Bill Roggio in reported that: A U.S. Embassy subcontractor named RA International was actually running one of the Kabul brothels.
Mr. Roggio discovered that RA was a subcontractor to the U.S. Embassy’s prime security contractor – ArmorGroup. Wayne Madsen, writing for Online Journal on September 15, 2009, reported that a senior RA official was actually living at one of the Chinese brothels, called the “Light House.” Mr. Madsen reported on objections lodged by the Afghan government about RA; objections which were ignored by the U.S. Embassy. Richard Lardner, reporting for the Huffington Post on November 10, 2009, recounted the testimony of James Gordon, former director of operations for ArmorGroup. Gordon stated that Congress had been misled about whether ArmorGroup employees frequented brothels known to house trafficked women. He detailed his briefings to State Department officials regarding security risks created by his company, but was ignored. In response to these events, there is silence and inaction from Hillary Clinton and her Embassy in Kabul. This silence and inaction are not limited to sex trafficking, but extends to other Western vices that have reappeared in Kabul, including alcohol abuse at the U.S. Embassy. To this reporter’s knowledge, no State Department officials have been disciplined for any of these matters.
The State Department is not alone in its tolerance regarding the victimization of Afghan women. The British newspaper The Sun ran a story on April 7, 2008 entitled: “NATO Men Romp in Afghan Brothels”
Sun Defense Editor Tom Newton Dunn detailed how NATO troops were observed drinking contraband alcohol and heading off to rooms with prostitutes. It quoted a NATO official as stating that one out of every five NATO civilians in Afghanistan frequent these brothels. The official feared that such conduct and the public reaction to it would eventually derail the NATO security mission. The report quoted Afghan Member of Parliament Shukria Barakzai as stating that if this conduct continues: “They will undermine their reason for being here.”
Secretary Clinton’s silence and the silence of her regional Ambassador Richard Holbrooke to the sexual abuse of women is not new.
As detailed in a chilling book: Rape Warfare – The Hidden Genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia by Beverly Allen, there were numerous sightings during the 1980’s of U.N. personnel and UNPROFOR troops at Serbian rape locations, including Sonja’s Kin Tiki restaurant/rape camp in Vogosca and the Park Hotel also in Vogosca.
“Visitors” to these locations allegedly included the U.N. Protection Force Commander in Sarajevo, Canadian Major General Lewis MacKenzie, along with senior military observer Richard Grey. Witnesses observed New Zealand, French, Ukrainian and African peacekeepers at these locations. These criminal acts have apparently not ceased. On May 6, 2004, the BBC headline was Kosovo UN Troops ‘fuel sex’ trade......

apparently there were no prosecutions of these men. This was followed on October 19, 2005, by The New York Times headline:
“Report Finds U.N. Isn’t Moving to End Sex Abuse by Peacekeepers.”
The Report revealed that the United Nations remains unimpressed and unconcerned regarding the crimes of sexual assault and rape. Likewise, the UN’s war crimes tribunal at The Hague, for political reasons, declined to prosecute any of the victors for these offenses. Only the losers get prosecuted. First Lady (and now Secretary of State) Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Administration’s Special Ambassador to Yugoslavia Richard Holbrooke were then, and remain today, conspicuously silent regarding what occurred to women in Bosnia and Kosovo, just as they remain so today about Afghanistan.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Afghanistan 'Liberation':Barack Obama,Joe Lieberman Protect U.S. Kabul Embassy Wackenhut slave prostituton traffickers,vodka orgies

I had meant to post my thought and opinion about Wackenhut 'security' guards at the U.S.Embassy in Kabul,Aghanistan in 2009 as news was breaking although the Israeli 'news' agencies of Wolf Blitzer's CNN and Rupert Murdoch's Fox News of course weren't reporting it.Why isn't Wolf Blitzer in jail with his pal Jonathan Pollard by now for working as an agent for a foreign government anyways ?!
Recent Taliban attacks in the center of Kabul made me decide to blog some of these past scandals that make Taliban treatment of women seem moderate by comparison........

Whistleblowers vs. the 101st Tequila BrigadeBy Nathan Hodge
Email Author
September 11, 2009
Last week, allegations surfaced that the contracted guard force at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul had descended into a booze-soaked debauch. The drunken antics weren’t the worst part: An investigation by the Project on Government Oversight and previous congressional testimony raised larger concerns about the State Department’s management of its private security guards in Afghanistan, and ArmorGroup, which holds the $187 million embassy security contract, was accused of cutting corners to put in the winning bid.
Now the whistleblowers are coming forward. This week, two former employees of ArmorGroup fired a lawsuit against the firm claiming they were forced out for blowing the whistle on employee misconduct and other problems. But the most shocking allegation was raised by whistleblower James Gordon, former director of operations at ArmorGroup, who claimed that the firm quashed an investigation into employees frequenting brothels in Kabul that housed trafficked women.

Above U.S.State Department's and Major Drug Trafficker Hillary Clinton's Kabul,Afghanistan Embassy 'Security Guards who also bought and importeed Chinese women as sex slaves !That who U.S.Mexico Ambassador Anthony Wayne and Arnold 'Swartzenegger' Chacon represent ! Yech !.....

See Also:

Party Ends for Kabul Embassy’s Booze-Soaked Guard Force
Mercs Gone Wild at U.S. Embassy Kabul (Updated, With Photos …
U.S. Plans $200 Million Expansion for Kabul Embassy
Lethal Cocktail: Vodka, Guns and Contractors

Below is one paragraph with link to entire letter addessed to South and Central America's perhaps
largest drug trafficker,Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,from POGO or Project On Government Oversight:
OGO Letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton regarding U.S. Embassy in Kabul

September 1, 2009

The Honorable Hillary Clinton
Secretary, Department of State
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20520

Dear Secretary Clinton:

As you know, last month eight rockets were fired into Kabul, two landing near the U.S. Embassy.1 Not long after, at least seven people were killed and 91 wounded, including children, when a suicide bomber struck close to the Embassy......
In light of this increasingly violent and uncertain environment, effective security of the U.S. Embassy in Kabul and the nearly one thousand U.S. diplomats, staff, and Afghan nationals who work there 4 is paramount. Security for the Embassy is provided under a Department of State contract with ArmorGroup, North America (AGNA), which is now owned by Wackenhut Services, Inc. (Wackenhut).5 Some 450 guards and their supervisors protect the Embassy and are quartered at Camp Sullivan, a few miles from the Embassy...
Failed management of security contractors by the Department of State is not new, and since the 2007 Iraqi Mansour Square massacre involving five Blackwater personnel, the State Department has promised repeatedly to strengthen its oversight.8 Yet, as in Iraq, the Department of State has utterly failed to properly manage another contractor, this time at the U.S. Embassy Kabul, Afghanistan.....
Numerous emails, photographs, and videos portray a Lord of the Flies environment. One email from a current guard describes scenes in which guards and supervisors are "peeing on people, eating potato chips out of [buttock] cracks, vodka shots out of [buttock] cracks (there is video of that one), broken doors after drnken [sic] brawls, threats and intimidation from those leaders participating in this activity…."
Multiple guards say this deviant hazing has created a climate of fear and coercion, with those who declined to participate often ridiculed, humiliated, demoted, or even fired. The result is an environment that is dangerous and volatile. Some guards have reported barricading themselves in their rooms for fear that those carrying out the hazing will harm them physically. Others have reported that AGNA management has begun to conduct a witch hunt to identify employees who have provided information about this atmosphere to POGO.....
There is also evidence that members of the guard force and their supervisors have drawn Afghan nationals into behavior forbidden for Muslims. For example, photographs show guards posing with Afghan nationals at the U.S. facility at Camp Sullivan as both the guards and nationals consume alcoholic beverages in scenes that suggest drunkenness, and one photo shows a near-naked U.S. guard who appears to have urinated on himself and splashed an Afghan national. Afghanistan is a conservative Muslim country where alcohol consumption and public nudity are considered offensive and, in some instances, prohibited by law......
Numerous guards raised concerns to POGO about a Spring 2009 extended reconnaissance mission outside the Embassy perimeter for which guard force supervisors took weapons, night vision goggles, and other equipment from Embassy stores. Photographs posted on the internet show Embassy guards hiding in abandoned buildings in Kabul, armed, dressed as Afghans (despite contractual requirements that they be in uniform when on duty), engaged in a mission for which they had never trained. AGNA guards train for their mission of static security of the Embassy, not for reconnaissance exercises away from the Embassy.....
According to many guards, another situation in which Embassy security may have been compromised is when, on at least one occasion, supervisors brought prostitutes in to Camp Sullivan. This is a breach of security and discipline made worse because the prostitutes were escorted to the facility by some guard force supervisors themselves. Some interviewees recalled that two AGNA guard force supervisors made no secret that, to celebrate a birthday, they brought prostitutes into Camp Sullivan, which maintains a sign-in log. Women believed to be prostitutes were observed attending the birthday party.........
Alleged Victimization of Afghan NationalsAn Afghan national employed as a food service worker at the guard corps' base at Camp Sullivan submitted a signed statement dated August 16, 2009, attesting that a guard force supervisor and four others entered a dining facility on August 1, 2009, wearing only short underwear and brandishing bottles of alcohol. Upon leaving the facility, the guard force supervisor allegedly grabbed the Afghan national by the face and began abusing him with foul language, saying, "You are very good for fXXXing." The Afghan national reported that he "was too afraid of them I could not tell them any thing." (Attachment 4)


U.S. protecting opium farms in Afghanistan
Author: Jeremy D Hoover
The U.S. military protects opium fields in Afghanistan and has fueled a massive increase in opium production since 2001.
Our U.S. soldiers are told they must protect the farms because it is a staple crop for the economy.
But what they aren’t told is opium production was virtually eliminated by 2001 and has increased dramatically since our invasion.
The drug dealers down the street are not growing heroin, you have to ask yourself how and why so much is on our streets.

Afghanistan's opium cultivation 1994-2010.
In 2010 Geraldo Rivera reported the protection was for the best interest of the local population, and that we needed to protect to crop to avoid an uprising.
“We are tolerating the cultivation of the opium because we know that if we were to destroy it now, the population would turn against the Marines and it would be a real security risk. … We can’t eradicate these crops for security reasons.”
Wait, so it’s not a security risk to invade a country and destroy thousands of homes, libraries, schools, but it is a threat to security to stop opium production?
Why don’t we just allow them to do it if it’s so vital to their economy, and not encourage it by providing protection for farmers?

This is not the only time in U.S. history that our government and the CIA have been involved with international drug trade. It was proven by the late 1980s Oliver North, Donald Greg (CIA), George H.W. Bush and dozens more from our government, military or CIA had ties to the cocaine, heroin and the arms trade.

For its entire existence the CIA has had ties to drug trade, among other illegal activities, and we have to realize it’s no different today.

This is part of a larger problem with our foreign policy. The government says we are the policemen of the world, but it imposes ideals on people rather than allowing them to practice self-determination.
Furthermore, the current policy fuels the military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned us to keep under control during his farewell address in 1961. And, apparently, it allows groups like the CIA to profit from foreign resources.
Among the current presidential candidates Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) has the most sensible foreign policy, and this new information should help put that into perspective. We need to be the most well defended nation in the world, but we don’t need to be growing opium and imposing our ideals on foreign people.
Listen to what Rep. Paul said in 1988 on the CIA and drug trafficking.

(So called 'libertarians are not be trusted either,they have their own right wing agenda and Ron Paul has lied about stocks being 'naked shorted' which is a scam to cover up for elite stock manipulators and scammers including Ron Paul who is alied with CIA and uk Lords of London in stock scams and money laundering ops against you and me.However,what hew says here in his younger years at time of Iran-Contra including about Georgwe Bush is quite interesting and he should know.-Tony Ryals)


Was Paul Wellstone Murdered?
For our government to maintain its credibility, we need an open and acccountable independent investigation into the death of Paul Wellstone.
October 28, 2002 |
Paul Wellstone was the only progressive in the U.S. Senate. Mother Jones magazine once described him as, "The first 1960s radical elected to the U.S. senate." He was also the last. Since defeating incumbent Republican Rudy Boschowitz 12 years ago in a grassroots upset, Wellstone emerged as the strongest, most persistent, most articulate and most vocal Senate opponent of the Bush administration.
In a senate that is one heartbeat away from Republican control, Wellstone was more than just another Democrat. He was often the lone voice standing firm against the status-quo policies of both the Democrats and the Republicans. As such, he earned the special ire of the Bush administration and the Republican Party, who made Wellstone's defeat that party's number one priority this year.
Various White House figures made numerous recent campaign stops in Minnesota to stump for the ailing campaign of Wellstone's Republican opponent, Norm Coleman. Despite being outspent and outgunned, however, polls show that Wellstone's popularity surged after he voted to oppose the Senate resolution authorizing George Bush to wage war in Iraq. He was pulling ahead of Coleman and moving toward a victory that would both be an embarrassment to the Bush administration and to Democratic Quislings such as Hillary Clinton who voted to support "the president."
Then he died.
Wellstone now joins the ranks of other American politicians who died in small plane crashes. Another recent victim was Missouri's former Democratic governor, Mel Carnahan, who lost his life in 2000, three weeks before Election Day, during his Senatorial race against John Ashcroft. Carnahan went on to become the first dead man to win a Senatorial race, humiliating and defeating the unpopular Ashcroft posthumously. Ashcroft, despite his unpopularity, went on to be appointed Attorney General by George W. Bush. Investigators determined that Carnahan's plane went down due to "poor visibility."
Carnahan was the second Missouri politician to die in a small plane crash. The first was Democratic Representative Jerry Litton, whose plane crashed the night he won the Democratic nomination for senate in 1976. His Republican opponent ultimately captured the seat from his successor in November.
While an article in the New York Times on Saturday pointed out the danger politicians face due to their heavy air travel schedules, the death of a senator or member of Congress is still relatively rare, with only one other sitting U.S. Senator, liberal Republican John Heinz, dying in a plane crash since World War II. Heinz, who entered office as an outspoken opponent of the Vietnam War, later emerged as a strong proponent of health care, social services, public transportation and the environment. He also urged reconciliation with Cuba. He died when the landing gear on his small plane failed to function, and a helicopter dispatched to survey the problem crashed into his plane.
One former senator, John Tower, also died in a small plane crash. Tower was best known as the chair of the Tower Commission, which investigated the Reagan/Bush era Iran/Contra scandal.
Another member of a prominent government commission who died in a small plane crash was former Democratic representative and House Majority Leader Hale Boggs. Boggs was best known as one of the seven members of the Warren Commission, which investigated the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The commission found that Lee Harvey Oswald was acting alone when he killed the president. Boggs, it turns out, had "strong doubts" that Oswald acted alone, but went along with the commission findings. Later, in 1971 and 1972, he went public with his doubts. He was presumed dead after the small plane carrying him and Democratic Representative Nicholas Begich disappeared in 1972.