Tarja Halonen establishing Palestinian State into Middle-East ? will Israel declare war to

by AA Saturday, Oct. 08, 2011 at 7:15 AM

President of Finland Tarja Halonen (SDP) has been talking for Palestinian State. According to president Halonen, Palestinians has got right to their own independent nation. Tarja Halonen offers Finnish model as a solution to Middle-East.

Tarja Halonen establishing Palestinian State into Middle-East – will Israel declare war to Finland

President of Finland Tarja Halonen (SDP) has been talking for Palestinian State. According to president Halonen, Palestinians has got right to their own independent nation. Tarja Halonen offers Finnish model as a solution to Middle-East. In Finland in this model government legal reps divide personal land property into into halves useless to anyone for instance leaving half of the estate to the other side and so on.

President Tarha Halonen did not mention of needing Parliaments decision to speak for Finnish Citizen. Tarja Halonen has also violated Finnish independence policy by participating into a land property conflict having historical and religious backgrounds. In a land property conflict based on two religious backgrounds and taking account the religious rules, there does no seem to be any other solution to this conflict than either bending the rules in religion (i.e. bypassing the religious war or rewriting the rules by) or war. This is the cold fact and I hope you either find a solution or accept it as it is. Personally I no longer find any religion interesting as I also see the conflict in religion rules either control the amount of human population or making part of those people slaves those who should not.

It is to be seen will Israel declare a war to President Tarja Halonen, Finland or to anyone.

Reference article e.g.: http://yle.fi/uutiset/ulkomaat/2011/09/halonen_perustaisi_lahi-itaan_palestiinan_valtion_2890368.html

Original: Tarja Halonen establishing Palestinian State into Middle-East ? will Israel declare war to