by Fábio de Oliveira Ribeiro Friday, Mar. 25, 2011 at 3:21 AM

Brazilian TV newspaper disguises propaganda for-Israel of exempt journalism!

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The Brazilian journalist Ricardo Kotscho published in his blog text criticizing the invasion of the Brazilian television news for "specialists"
http://colunistas.ig.com.br/ricardokotscho/2011/03/23/tv-invadida-por-onda-de-especialistas/. After reading the reflections of Kotscho I decided to render attention to the phenomenon and I came across a serious incident in the Jornal da Cultura.

In 23/03/2011 during Jornal da Cultura a teacher of International Right of USP said that the conflict between Palestinian and Israelis elapses "fundamentally of the intolerance of the Islamic ones". The "specialist" explained that Israel was quiet because of the conflict in Libya and it was provoked for Islamic ones that, according to her, they want to impose his religion to the Jews.

The simplification of the comment is evident and wicked. With a single sentence the specialist removed of the debate 50 years of history of the conflict among Israelis and Palestinian. The map illustrates the true origin of the conflict very well.

Of the historical point of view, there is no controversy. Since the State of Israel was created has been moving a constant and inclement war of territorial conquest against the Palestinian. Therefore, the historical pattern of the conflict is or it can be very different from that referred by the "specialist". One of the most plausible interpretations is that the Israelis move forward on Palestinian territories and these they defend how they can without any significant support of the occident.

The international community's hypocrisy in this subject is outrageous. The occident needed some days to set up a wide military operation to defend civil in Libya against Kadafi, but in the last 50 years it never made any similar operation to defend Palestinian civilians attacked by Israel. In fact, impossible to forget that there is very little time a Prime Minister of Israel authorized the use of forbidden match bombs against civilians in Gaza, thing that nor Kadafi had courage of doing in the rebels areas against civilians that UN supposedly wants to protect.

The comment done by the teacher of International Right in JC is clearly tendentious. She used the religious argument to disqualify the Palestinian pretensions and to legitimate, in an oblique way, the war of permanent territorial conquest that it has been moved by the State of Israel in West Bank and Gaza. It is not difficult to notice that the teacher of USP presupposes be correct and unquestionable Samuel Huntington and Oriana Fallaci's theories. Nobody can condemn her for adhering to the theories of these for-Israeli theoretical ones, but the TV newspaper should open space for other specialists that adopt a perspective different from the one of Oriana Fallaci and Samuel Huntington. Inevitable the conclusion that, in 23/03/2011, it missed JC the indispensable journalistic justness.

A journalistic covering no equal of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict it is lamentable. The addressees of the formulated message and only diffused by the "specialist" for-Israeli JC were not informed. They were indoctrinated scandalously. And for me, as for many other, nothing can be more repulsive than this to be produced by a vehicle of mass communication. In 23/03/2011 JC adopted a profile dangerously similar to the Nazi, Fascist and communist "journalistic traditions" of the years 1930. Lamentable!