Devil Worshiping Gov. Walker and Cops Preemptively Attack Working Americans

by The Devil Worshiper Gov. Walker Sunday, Mar. 13, 2011 at 4:32 AM

The Devil Worshiping Gov. Walker and his Crooked Bushite Cops (Criminals On Patrol) have begun their Preemptive War on Working Americans on behalf of The Fanatical Satan Worshipers on Wall St.

Well it happened. The Devil Worshiping Gov. Walker and his Crooked Bushite Cops (Criminals On Patrol) have begun their FULL SCALE WAR ON WORKING AMERICANS. The Devil Worshiper Walker and his Satan Worshiping Cops (Criminals On Patrol) have Attacked Unions on behalf of The Fanatical Satan Worshipers on Wall St. and are working day and night to see to it that Unions will cease to exist. THEY, THE SATAN WORSHIPERS, ARE NOT HERE TO BARGAIN! THEY ARE HERE TO STEAL! Don't let these Apostates of Hell get away with this. Counter them with Recall Votes. And ALL COPS ARE ENEMY AGENTS. PEROID. DO NOT TRUST THEM. THEY WORK FOR THE FANATICAL APOSTLES OF SATAN ON WALL ST. AND THE DEVIL WORSHIPING BANKSTERS AND NOT YOU. THEY ARE THE DEVIL'S AGENTS. They are no different than The KGB. Cops are Hostile to you the people. And any bills that give them power of any kind are Hostile to you the people to. You cannot Impeach The Satanist Gov. Walker because he is surrounded by fellow Devil Worshiping Repiglicans that voted for his Satanic Law. Recall these Satanic Law makers or they will make you Satan's Slaves.