Through The War on Islam in Libya The Party of Satan will Hijack Your Tax $ again

by The Libya/Continued Theft of Tax $ Sunday, Mar. 06, 2011 at 3:28 PM

You have all undoubtedly heard Obushma The George W Bush Carbon Copy calling for an Expansion of The War on Islam into Libya (called The Cause to Free Libya, Pardon me while I Gag). Through this continuation of The War on Islam in Libya, The Global Satanic Government (The CIA) and The Rich Satanist and The Party of Satan (called The Republicans and The Democrats) will continue to Hijack Your Tax Dollars to Fund Gory Satanic Ritual Serial Murders Abroad.

As you no doubt have heard, Obushma The George W Bush Carbon Copy is planning to Expand the Post 9-11 War on Islam into Libya (of course you know The Post 9-11 War on Islam all began With The CIA's 9-11 Attacks and 2001 Anthrax Attacks). Through The Expansion of The Post 9-11 War on Libya The Party of Satan (called The Democrats and The Republicans), The Global Satanic Government (The CIA), and The Rich Apostles of Satan on Wall St. will continue to Hijack Your Tax Dollars from Human and Health Services, to continually Fund Post 9-11 Gory Satanic Ritual Serial Murders Abroad, continually causing Budget Shortfalls in States like Wisconsin, Ohio, California Etc, and continually under The Cover of The Post 9-11 War on Islam Shipping High Paying Jobs Overseas (called Free Trade because The Rich Apostles of Satan on Wall St. Freely Trade Your Jobs Overseas to Slave Labor Markets), and Oh yes I forgot continually Hijacking Human and Health Services Tax Dollars to Fund Domestic Spy Programs, Expanded Police Gestapo Powers, Expanded ICE Wars on Immigrants, and Expanded Funds for Satanic Serial Sexual Predators at USSA Airports in The TSA (Transportation Satanic Agents) so they can continually Sexually Molest Your Wives and Daughters at USSA Airports. If you let Obushma The George W Bush Carbon Copy Hijack Your Tax Dollars, then Satanic Governors like The Satanist Governor Walker will continue to Hijack Your Tax Dollars against your will. In order to stop this you must PREVENT OBUSHMA FROM EXPANDING THE POST 9-11 WAR ON ISLAM INTO LIBYA.