Pro-Mubarak Thugs are Traitors to Egypt!

by Mr. Hosni Mubarak Must GO NOW!! Friday, Feb. 04, 2011 at 10:12 AM

The pro-Mubarak thugs in Egypt attacking peaceful pro-democracy protesters are traitors to their people and nation. The pro-Mubarak thugs are most likely plainclothes police fearful of losing their favored status once Mr. Mubarak accepts his status as a deceased dictator and steps down ASAP. Here in the U.S., we question our government's funding of Egypt's military and CIA collaboration with a thirty year tyrant!

The pro-Mubarak thugs in Egypt using brutality and violence against the pro-democracy protesters are traitors to their nation and people. It is very likely that the pro-Mubarak thugs are plainclothes police and security apparatus using one last ditch attempt to instill fear in the Egyptian pro-democracy protesters. This reflects the pro-Mubarak gang's growing fear of losing their privileged status as state hired police thugs has taken hold, this is evidenced by their brutal attacks against women and other vulnerable pro-democracy protesters.

However, the blatantly brutal attacks from the pro-Mubarak thugs against the Egyptian pro-democracy protesters is now visible to the entire world to witness and this will NOT be forgotten despite the increasing attacks on international journalists coming from the pro-Mubarak thugs. This is the push-pull natural reaction of an already deceased tyrant and his police thugs who through their growing fear of losing status are taking the most extreme reaction against the Egpytian people protesting against this thirty year tyrant Mr. Hosni Mubarak.

The unfortunate position taken by Joe "Motormouth" Biden to defend the dictator Mubarak by claiming that he is not an actual dictator and discounting the growing evidence of the U.S. military-industrial complex benefitting immensely from the continued propping up of Mr. Mubarak's regime through U.S. taxpayers funding the Egyptian military and U.S. weapons contractors like Boeing and Lockheed Martin selling them weapons.

For thirty years since installed by Ronald Reagan's CIA the tyrant Mubarak has mistreated the Egyptian people with the support of U.S. tax dollars. While our homeless populations here in the U.S. are starving and freezing in our streets with little or no help, our beloved U.S. government has spent billions of our tax dollars each year on military weapons contractors to maintain Mr. Mubarak's illegal grip on power over the Egyptian people for thirty years.

Even a military hawk would question the logic of propping up the same CIA puppet for thirty years! Maybe he was a "good puppet" so the CIA felt it was better to keep the well behaved Mubarak puppet in power for as long as possible. Not sure about the logic of that decision?!

Under Pres. Barak "Head Hypocrite in Charge" Obama, we can expect a potential puppet regime change as Mr. Mubarak wakes to the reality that he is already deceased and has NO future in Egypt. The CIA and their masters in the multinational petrochemical corporations will intervene and attempt to replace Mr. Mubarak's corpse with another fresh puppet who is maybe a bit less brutal and harsh, at least for a while until everyone forgets. This should be planned for and prevented by the Egyptian pro-democracy protesters to the best of their ability, as it is the way the U.S. empire operates. We in the U.S. do NOT enjoy this constant blood on our hands by the actions of our military-industrial complex government, though they stopped listening to us decades ago.

"Regime Replacement

If the protest movement fails to address the role of foreign powers including pressures exerted by "investors", external creditors and international financial institutions, the objective of national sovereignty will not be achieved. In which case, what will occur is a narrow process of "regime replacement", which ensures political continuity.

"Dictators" are seated and unseated. When they are politically discredited and no longer serve the interests of their US sponsors, they are replaced by a new leader, often recruited from within the ranks of the political opposition.

In Tunisia, the Obama administration has already positioned itself. It intends to play a key role in the "democratization program" (i.e. the holding of so-called fair elections). It also intends to use the political crisis as a means to weaken the role of France and consolidate its position in North Africa:

"The United States, which was quick to size up the groundswell of protest on the streets of Tunisia, is trying to press its advantage to push for democratic reforms in the country and further afield.

The top-ranking US envoy for the Middle East, Jeffrey Feltman, was the first foreign official to arrive in the country after president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was ousted on January 14 and swiftly called for reforms. He said on Tuesday only free and fair elections would strengthen and give credibility to the north African state's embattled leadership.

"I certainly expect that we'll be using the Tunisian example" in talks with other Arab governments, Assistant Secretary of State Feltman added.

He was dispatched to the north African country to offer US help in the turbulent transition of power, and met with Tunisian ministers and civil society figures.

Feltman travels to Paris on Wednesday to discuss the crisis with French leaders, boosting the impression that the US is leading international support for a new Tunisia, to the detriment of its former colonial power, France. ...

Western nations had long supported Tunisia's ousted leadership, seeing it as a bulwark against Islamic militants in the north Africa region.

In 2006, the then US defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld, speaking in Tunis, praised the country's evolution.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton nimbly stepped in with a speech in Doha on January 13 warning Arab leaders to allow their citizens greater freedoms or risk extremists exploiting the situation.

"There is no doubt that the United States is trying to position itself very quickly on the good side,..." " AFP: US helping shape outcome of Tunisian uprising emphasis added

Will Washington be successful in instating a new puppet regime?"

entire article here;

On behalf of my fellow U.S. citizens either unable or unaware to raise protest, please accept my sincere apologies for the physical pain and hardships that the Egpytian pro-democracy protesters are suffering at the hands of y(our) thirty year tyrant and his hired thugs.

Why we in the U.S. "forgot about" the thirty year nightmare of Mr. Hosni Mubarak;

"Those three courses of action undertaken, a fourth, more sinister plan unfolded. Obama sent Ronald Reagan's and George HW Bush's ambassador to Egypt, Frank Wisner, Jr., to Egypt as a special envoy to talk to Mubarak, Wisner's close friend. However, Wisner has, like his father, a long history with the CIA and coups and suppression of popular revolts. Wisner's presence was merely an attempt by Obama to reassure Mubarak that the United States and Israel would throw their full intelligence and covert military weight behind Mubarak and Suleiman to preserve the regime until a government, suitable to Washington and Jerusalem, could be identified and installed in Cairo as a "reform" government.

After buying time for Mubarak, his regime has organized gangs of thugs, many of them security police, to attack the protesters on the streets, including those in Tahrir Square in Cairo. The scenes of violence against anti-Mubarak demonstrators is a psychological warfare operation meant to scare the people off the streets. Many of Egypt's security forces have received psy-ops training in the United States, including at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The United States and other western nations are now merely offering platitudes about the need for a "start" of transition talks but, secretly, are involved in a "Kabuki" theater dance with Mubarak and his regime's officials.

Wisner, a recent chairman of the CIA-linked American International Group (AIG) and a former board member of similarly-CIA linked Enron and Kroll Associates, as well as a current director of the British intelligence firm Hakluyt & Company, which may be in possession of Obama's employment records from CIA front company, New York-based Business International Corporation, which was sold to the Economist Intelligence Unit in London in 1986, is a major behind-the-scenes player in America's "shadow government" -- the real power behind U.S. leaders like Obama, Biden, Clinton, and others."


"The vestiges of Mockingbird are now ensuring skewed coverage of events in Egypt in order to buy time for Mubarak and the new cast of characters the United States and Israel are pre-selecting to comprise the "reform" government in Cairo. President Obama's special envoy to Russia, Henry Kissinger, was rolled out to proclaim that Mubarak had "months" left in office and the transition to a more democratic government would be a "long process." Kissinger's statement reflected a subtle shift from Vice President Joseph Biden's previous strong support for Mubarak. Biden refused to call Mubarak a dictator.

Obama clearly demonstrates by his words and actions that he defers in making decision on foreign policy to the same "shadow government" of CIA officials, globalists, and disaster capitalists who have, in tandem, called the shots on U.S. policy for the decades during and following the Cold War.

While millions of Egyptians were in the streets demanding that Mubarak leave office immediately, along with his regime, President Obama in Washington called on Mubarak not to run for re-election, in September, a full eight months away! Perhaps Mr. Obama should now follow his own advice as his Cairo and Istanbul speeches on outreach to the Muslim world have been proven to be bloviating claptrap not worth the teleprompter they were scrolled on."