by fabio de oliveira ribeiro Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2011 at 9:20 PM

The Americans don't know the USA as they would owe.

That the Americans believe in the "racial, cultural, moral or religious superiority" of the Americans, that they believe in the "obvious destiny" and in the "exceptional nature of the American people" I until can admit. After all, the Americanism is just an ideology.

Actually the Americanism a ideology very close of the Nazism, because it was very big the influence that the book THE INTERNATIONAL JEW, of Henry Ford, carried out in the imaginary of Hitler and Himmler. To the point of Hitler to eulogize the book in conversations with Dietrich Eckart and Himmler to do textual reference to the book of the "great" American.

The Americanism was so admired by Hitler, that in his Mein Kampf the führer wrote:

"North America, whose population is formed in great majority by Germanic elements, which were only mixed very rarely with inferior people and of color, it shows a humanity and a civilization very different from that of Central America and of the South America, where the immigrants largely of Latin a lot times melted with the original inhabitants."

The influence of the American Eugenics Law and the American Propaganda in the German Nazism it is very known. They are also very known Henry Ford's businesses with 3rd Reich, to which supplied trucks until the end of the war. It was not by chance that many Nazi scientists were well received in the USA after the end of the war. Whenever it can Noan Chomsky does reference to the fact of Nazi Military Manuals have been translated and adopted by the Americans after the end of the II WW.

The II WW it was, in a certain way, a conflict between the "head office" of the Nazism and his "Germanic branch". The branch was destroyed so that the Nazism of the "American head office" could spread his control for the whole world.

Lamentable, for me, it is not the American Nazism that the Americans call "Americanism". Each people have his own ideology and it will be buried with it. But to see some Brazilian ones demonstrate with pride a firm and disproportionate faith in these American nonsenses it is very sad.

Brazilian? Not so much. Who behaves as vassal of a foreign empire should just be considered a vassal of the same.

When it begins the new American civil war ( ) us Brazilian we will have to work with this problem. I vote for send the vassal Brazilians of the empire to the USA, with ticket just of departure.