by fabio de oliveira ribeiro Monday, Jan. 03, 2011 at 10:28 AM

The movies also acts as a society sees her to herself.

It is possible to understand like the USA changed analyzing 3 versions of the same film: 'The Last Man on Earth' (with Vicent Price), 'Omega Mam' (Charlton Heston) and 'I am the Legend' (Will Smith).

In the first version of the film the scientist that kills the assumptions zumbis is the true zumbi. The character of Price didn't get to overcome the wife's death and he sacrifices unnecessarily people that try to adapt to the new reality.

In the second version the zumbis belong the a type of primitive secret society that it hates technology and that they deserve to die. Heston's scientist dies as if he was a Christ that was solemnity-sacrificed to save the few humans that remained in Earth.

In the last version the zumbis doesn't have almost any human characteristic and the only refuge for what remain of the humanity is a Military Base in whose center is a church. The scientist kills the zumbis without any guilty conscience type and to use them as specimens in his laboratory.

Along the three versions there is a change in the original sense of the history. The last version is the pick of the prejudice in that only the Christian Militarism is capable to protect the humans of the barbarian people. The ideal society of many of Bush's voters (the suburb strongly armed and walled) it was taken to the big screen for Will Smith.