TIME TO GET RAD: Post-Election Thoughts From the Socialist Party Los Angeles Local

by Mimi Soltysik, Socialist Party LA Local Chair Friday, Nov. 05, 2010 at 5:28 PM

The Left is fractured and weak, but there is hope in the form of a movement and Party whose very existence is aligned with the fight to protect civil liberties, provide basic necessities and deliver a swift counterpunch to the fat cats in Sacramento and D.C.

After Tuesday’s elections, a friend of mine said that a lot of her liberal friends were “jumping ship” to either consider the conservative, (read: motivated), movement, or to abandon taking part in the political process altogether. I hear what she’s saying. It’s been a tough road for working people and millions are feeling hopeless. Being on the fronts lines for the socialist movement, I felt a bit depressed myself – especially after reading the White House statement applauding the rejection of Proposition 19 in California.

CNN quoted Adam Green of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee as stating, "What the average voter saw of Democrats was weak, watered-down change – and weak Democratic leaders who cut deals with the very Wall Street banks and insurance companies they are supposed to be fighting.”

The Left is frustrated, fractured and has taken enough right-hooks to the gut that it’s starting to feel like the ref needs to call the fight. I just want to say that there is hope, and that I am hopeful. Not as in “Hope you can believe in” or “Drink Coca-Cola” or whatever the marketing slogan of the day is. This is hope in the form of a movement and Party whose very existence is aligned with the fight to protect civil liberties, to provide basic necessities and to deliver a swift counterpunch to those intent on maximizing profit at the expense of the working class: Socialist Party USA.

On this day of post-election recollection and recovery, I invite you to take a peek at the Socialist Party platform. I think you’ll find, as I have, a cause for excitement. We’re just beginning in Los Angeles, and we have every intention of taking this cause to the fat cats in Sacramento and D.C. on behalf of the people. It’d be mighty rad if you joined us in our march. http://www.sp-usa.org/


Original: TIME TO GET RAD: Post-Election Thoughts From the Socialist Party Los Angeles Local