Orange County District Attorney Helps Batterers Punish Victims

by Jules Monday, Oct. 04, 2010 at 11:59 PM

In Orange county, batterers get a free ride while victims are made to suffere

Tony Rackauckas has a history of refusing to prosecute batterers.

Victims are finding that police will often not even write up reports on domestic violence. When asked about this, watch commanders relay that Rackackas will not file against batterers.

Adding to the problem, Orange County Sheriff deputies and police officers will often follow around victims, looking for any possible infractions, frequently violating the Fourth and Fifth Amendments rights of the victims.

Domestic violence victims are routinely prosecuted for debts owed by their husbands in Orange County. Between the beatings, batterers often engage in financial abuse and the district attorney's office acts as a right arm to help batterers get more vengeance on their victims, who are prosecuted for their husbands' debts and bad checks with the full force of the the law. The batterers get a free ride with regards to their crimes while Rackackas finishes the destruction of the lives of the beaten victims..

Orange County is a supportive place for batterers and a very unsafe place for battery victims. Domestic violence victims doubt there will ever be fairness in the county until Rackackas is out of office.

Original: Orange County District Attorney Helps Batterers Punish Victims