by Fábio de Oliveira Ribeiro Thursday, Jul. 08, 2010 at 3:46 AM

Everything equal again.

Two decades ago we see Brazilian elections polarized between "toucans" (PSDB) and petistas (PT). In this election it won't be different.

On a side we have Dilma, the champion of the continuity. Dilma intends to maintain intact the socioeconomic structure delegated by Lula (in that 10% of the population bite 75% of the national wealth while 90% of the population dispute the 25% of the remaining national wealth - recent data of IPEA).

Of other side we have José Serra, the champion of the retreat. The government project of Serra is to be exactly what is: the ruralists' candidate (that intend to turn crime the participation in the Movement Without Earth), candidate of the reactionaries and their executioners (enthusiasts of military coup d'état and military torturing) and candidate of the Americans (because he likes more "los gringos" than they will finance his campaign of what of the poor Brazilian voters that are in conditions of choosing him).

The result of this Brazilian presidential election is perfectly previsible. With Dilma in the power nothing will change (90% of the Brazilian population will continue believing, uselessly, that he/she will have more than 25% of the national wealth without bloody revolution). With Serra in the power Brazil will only have 20 million inhabitants, in other words, the 10% of the richest that it stops 75% of the national wealth and that it intends to have 100% of the national wealth.

This election is not a plebiscite between PSDB and PT (as it wants Lula). It is a plebiscite among the Brazilian plebeians (90% of the population) and the patricians (10% privileged) led by Dilma or for Serra. As I neither support the continuity nor the retreat, I propose a type of retreat for Sacred Monte (, because the Roman plebeians only began to be respected and to have true representation when they threatened the existence of the Roman Republic.

Brazilian... say NOT to the legitimation of the socioeconomic structure in the urns. Without the 90% of the poor population Brazil doesn't exist as political institution. VOTE FOR NULL and make the "petistas" and "toucans" be unhappy.