by Fábio de Oliveira Ribeiro Saturday, May. 29, 2010 at 3:31 AM

Do Japanese want to give to the Americans the excuse for a new war?

"Tokyo - The Japanese Government decided on this Friday to restrict the sendings of money to North Korea and to reinforce the sanctions in energy, one week after the communist country was accused of responsibility in the sinking of a South Korean ship, in incident that caused 46 deaths."


The best way to provoke a war is to strangle a reared regime for their economical idiosyncrasies. The entrance Japan in the II World War was caused fundamentally for the American seizure of the sale of steel and petroleum to the Japanese Empire:


The Americans pushed Japanese to II World War as well as own Japanese are taking the North Koreans to restart the War of Korea. The retaking of the hostilities among Koreas can spread because of the connections among Chinese and North Korean and among American, Japanese and South Korean.

The great subject that the media should try to answer at this time is:

Why Japan deliberately plays gunpowder in the Korean bonfire? Does Yukio Hatoyama's government intend to use the nationalism to divert the attention of Japanese of the American financial crisis?