by Fabio de Oliveira Ribeiro Sunday, May. 23, 2010 at 12:09 PM

To do film to maintain the population... imbecile.

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When a film intends to approach mythological subjects is inevitable to compare it with the myths. As "Clash of the Titans (2010)" is a new version of an old film, we will also make considerations on the original film.

In the Greek myth king Acrísio's daughter, Dânae, is possessed by Zeus and she generates Perseu. Concerned with the possibility of the death of both, Zeus puts them in a box and it throws them to the sea and them dock at the quiet island in that Perseu grows. In the first version of "Clash of the Titans", Acrísio is that it puts the daughter and the grandson in the box and the lance it to the sea. In second film Acrísio it puts the wife. In the myth and in the first version Dânae and Perseu arrive the alive island, in second Dânae dies in the box.

In the myth, Perseu is invited to have dinner with king Policdetes and he promises to bring him the head of present Medusa because it cannot give horses to the king. In the two films Perseu travels to kill the Medusa to save the city of the destruction (Argos in the second version, Joppa in the first version).

To accomplish his task, original Perseu asks the gods for help and it is assisted. He receives the winged sandals and the helmet of Hades, that it uses to be invisible and to follow the Medusa until her to sleep. When the górgona is sleeping, Perseu uses the shield (that won of Atená) to see his reflex and it uses the scythe (that won of Hermes) to cut her head.

In the two films "Clash of the Titans", Perseu confronts the awake Medusa. In the second film the górgona is faster than a snake. In the first version of the film Perseu uses the shield and the sword that it won of the gods. In the second version of the film he uses the shield that won of one of their war companions. In this version Perseu refuses to use the sword that won of Zeus.

In the Greek myth, after killing Medusa, Perseu escapes from the other górgonas using the helmet of Hades. In the first film Perseu lost the helmet when struggling with Calibos, son of Tétis that was punished by Zeus. In the second it films the function of this Calibos of the first film is carried out by king Acrísio that was deformed when being reached by Zeus' ray. In the second it films the true opponent of Perseu is not the Medusa (as in the Greek myth), nor the Medusa and Kraken (as in the first film) but the own god Hades. The same god that supplied to the hero the sandals and the helmet that he used to kill the górgona in the original myth became his main enemy.

In the Greek myth it doesn't happen confrontation between Perseu and Kraken. The Greek hero didn't need to save any city. In the first film Perseu saves Joppa (Argos had already been destroyed by Kraken), in the second the city of Argos is saved by Perseu.

For the Greeks to kill the górgona Medusa was a task sufficiently heroic. For the Americans, before winning Kraken (first film) or of winning the Kraken and Hades (second film), Perseu has to confront the gigantic scorpions. These cinematographic wild animal are born of the blood of the Medusa (first film) and of the deformed king's Acrísio blood (second film).

In the first film Perseu marries with Andrômeda (the king's of Joppa daughter), in the second film he wins Io of Zeus. The second Perseu is not sufficiently man to conquer a normal wife. In the first film Andromeda is taken to be sacrificed for the Kraken and in the second film her parents refuse to do this, but she is taken to the sacrifice to the force for the people commanded by a mystic.

In the first film, Zeus orders the goddess of the wisdom that gives his owl Perseu. The goddess refuses to do this and she orders the god Hefesto to do a mechanical owl for Perseu. The mechanical owl has an important paper in the first film, because it locates the blind witches' temple, it steals the eye used by the witches, it frees Pegaso of the camp of Calibo and it picks the head of the Medusa and the delivery it for Perseu. In the second it films the mechanical owl is picked of a basket and discarded as trinket.

The first film mutilated the Greek myth joining the history of Perseu many other myths (Kraken was a type of squid or gigantic octopus that it threatened the ships in the Nordic folklore), some of the which were clearly invented (Greek Tetis didn't have a called son Calibo). For less cinematographic than is, original Perseu didn't need Pégaso to ride to accomplish his modest mission of beheading the Medusa. In fact, Pégaso was born of the blood of Medusa when she was beheaded by Perseu. And for speaking in mythology, none of the two films showed a confrontation of Titans, because the Greek Titans are: Céos · Cronos · Hipérion · Jápeto · Crio · Oceano · Mnemosine · Febe · Reia · Téia · Têmis · Tétis (the Titans children of Jápeto are: Prometeu · Epimeteu · Atlas · Menecéio). The inadequate use of the word Titans in the title of the two film shows the contempt that the Americans nurture for the mythology by itself.

In the first film the inhabitant of Joppa, that the are Phoenician, adores Greek gods (not Phoenician gods). In the second it films the Greek myth turned a confrontation between the good and the evil. In the American imaginary Hades is not a god, but an evil demon that it should be confined in the underworld. The more onlooker of this second film is to see Hades control a sea monster, in other words, a creature that should be under the control of Posídon.

Mythological Perseu acts for the glory of the own action. The purpose of his confrontation with the górgona is quite puerile: the head of Medusa is a promised present to the king. In the movies Perseu cannot just kill the górgona. He has to confront many other monstrous beings and to save a city (as well as the modern American heroes they save countries, the planet or until the universe). Therefore, we can conclude that this new cinematographic Perseu is not a mythological hero, but a hero of American HQ.

Anything in the imaginary American nothing can be as serious as a matrimonial betrayal. However, in the second film it is Acrísio, betrayed by Zeus, that is deformed. In other words, the offended for the betrayal should have accepted the horns, it was angry and in reason of this was punished by the offender. Since the Americans despise the Greek mythology so much would not be more logical to punish Zeus that betrayed the king?

Perseu of the new film is a rebellious semi-god. He refuses to use the present that it received from Zeus, he affirms his humanity and it tries to punish Hades (god that kills their parents). Would this rebelliousness be more evident if Perseu went gay?

The Greek hero uses a scythe to kill the Medusa. He doesn't use a sword because he is not a warrior and his task is not soldierly. American cinematographic Perseu, however, it cannot use anything besides the sword. In the American movies Perseu has to use a sword (a retractable sword in the second films). The Americans seem to fear that the scythe of Perseu joins a labor hammer and that both lead the USA to the communism. Anything of scythe in the big screen.

This new version of Perseu only gets to accomplish a function: to prove the decadence of the American movies. From now on only we will see films as the new version of "Crash of the Titans" to laugh at the imbecilities that the American capitalism takes for the big screen.