Corporate manslaughter

by Resolved White Friday, Apr. 09, 2010 at 7:45 AM

Blankenship murdered the miners and he'll kill again unless he's stopped

Corporate manslaught...
1_dead_miners.jpg, image/jpeg, 390x500

The Charleston Gazette reports that last year, more than 10% of the enforcement actions taken by the Mine Safety and Health Administration at the Upper Big Branch mine were for unwarrantable failure to follow safety rules, compared to about 2% at mines nationwide.

The miners died for that 8% failure

Don Blankenship and his mine management at the mine are responsible for that 8% failure.

The mine was improperly and illegally operated by Blankenship and his management at the mine.

They are responsible for Corporate Manslaughter of the dead miners and should be charged with this.

Original: Corporate manslaughter