Los Angeles March 4th Day of Action Photos Set 1 0f 3

by Robert Stuart Lowden Saturday, Mar. 06, 2010 at 3:04 PM

Photo set 1 from the March 4th National Day of Action demonstrations and school walkouts in downtown Los Angeles.

Los Angeles March 4t...
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Downtown Los Angeles was the scene for a vigorous protest attended by thousands of students, teachers, parents, workers, union organizers and community activists all reacting to a shockwave of draconian budget cuts, raised tuitions, fewer classes and charter school takeovers that are being ushered in by the economic shortfalls lately experienced by state, county and city governments throughout California.

Unlike previous school walkouts that had occurred in Los Angeles surrounding these issues, some parents and teachers came along with the kids and often joined in the protest with conviction and fervor.

The Los Angeles teacher/ student community came together March 4th and spoke of their fears and outrage over the amount of funds being spent on war, policing and prison expenditures at what many considered to be obvious; that being the compromising of the our next generations' cognitive abilities, earning power, social mobility and national competitiveness.